Suzdaltsev Alexander

Yuri Petrovich Bronnikov

Liholat Vladimir F.

Gorban Gregory

Strelchenko Ivan

Vovk Love Yosifovna

Tozik Leonid Afanasievich

Chashchin Sergei Petrovich

Tokumtaev Smagul Kusainovich

Shamil Aliyev Rustamovich

Ivanov Vasily Kuzmich


Victor I. Yakubov

Machinist Svetogorsk paper machine pulp and paper mill, a Hero of Socialist Labor

Victor I. Yakubov He was not yet forty. Low, dense, and that once you notice about this man, loves to listen than to talk, but, talking, likes, and interesting to listen to him.

We sit in the office of head of production, a spacious room with a sliding wall on hinges, pushed to the side, and ready for the meeting room. Every now and then people go, some just to say hello, others on business issues. Victor I. Yakubov answers, interrupting the conversation, and then again continues his story.

"Newspapers in the same year wrote that the event is unique. Maybe the way it is. Judge for yourself. The equipment, which is given to the development of existing regulations twenty-one months, was calculated at full capacity for six months. But the regulations are not taken from the ceiling, we are, production workers, it's oh, so well known. They claim they are quite high court, where they know the value of time, not only will not add extra days, but rather a month in their favor srezhut. That's for sure. "

Yet the fact remains that at the Svetogorskaya pulp and paper mill time mastering the production of cable paper were blocked by nearly fourfold. It should also add, that were installed two modern paper machines imported, the like of which no one other enterprise sector. Learn from experience on these units was not anyone. In fact, before the plant can not produce such products. The team gained experience of new factories, studied, learned the difficult technique, in short, "getting on its feet" in the process of installation and commissioning.

They built a new factory Finnish workers and specialists, equipment supplied the Finnish, Austrian and domestic, and our installers installed it. This "raznoyazykost" also brought a lot of hassle. However, the problem was as clear as day: the construction of the invested funds, and considerable, we should probably get a return, to master the equipment, bring it to full capacity.

At the official launch of the new production coming Svetogorsk Soviet Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin and President of the Republic of Finland Urho Kaleva Kekkonen. The plant held a solemn meeting of Soviet and Finnish workers and specialists. Victor I. Yakubov then instructed on behalf of the team to assure those present that svetogortsy make every effort, and new facilities will be developed early.

By the time Yakubov worked at the plant for nearly twenty years.

By chance there was the wallet? Perhaps so. Anyway, thanks confluence of circumstances.

He was born before the war in the village Ilkovichi Mogilev region. Went to school after the war. And it just so happened that another student had him as we move from class to class farther and farther away from his native village. Elementary school was in a neighboring village for four kilometers, seven-year-eight, and ten-year is twelve miles. He received a certificate of maturity. And there was nowhere to put your hands. In Svetogorsk living relatives. Was invited to her. That's how he was at the combine. Trained as a carver of paper, began to work. In the old production has gone up to shift foreman.

The production was really old, worked for many decades. Let this board low marks, wrapping paper. And suddenly the news: Plant will be reconstructed. And not just to update equipment and technology to create a new thread for making a multilayer cable paper.

Svetogorsk is on the border with Finland. In the early seventies with one of the Finnish companies signed an agreement on the reconstruction of the plant.

A small company has developed into quite a large building site. Sounded foreign language. Came wagons with containers, speckled with inscriptions in several languages. Passing by the unfolding construction, many were thinking: a good idea to work on a new factory on modern technology. I thought about it, and Yakubov, and gradually matured conviction that are coming change in his settled life. He was at that time has long been a family man. His wife also worked at the plant. The son was preparing to become first-graders. He would not, perhaps, start with the mother company in search of a new, but now is a new self came to the plant.

One day after the change Yakubov asked to go to the party committee. There he met the chief of cardboard and paper Nikolai Ivanovich Bystrov. Before them was a task in a short time to prepare a replacement and upgrade to the new factory.

This was the beginning of 1975. Factory somewhere in the fullest sense has not yet been let, the building foundations for the equipment. But the next new technology service personnel immediately downloaded things: schemes studied units were engaged in re-entry of incoming equipment. And from that they actually began to master the new technology.

Paper machine - thousands of parts weighing tens of grams to several tons. Of course, the charge to unpack all of this could be, and unskilled workers, but future operating manager, and even left the shop tired, stained with grease, but certainly the other hand, every detail of his hands detectable. Subsequently, it is great useful. In the current production at a high level of automation to cope with the management of even the most sophisticated technology does not pose much difficulty. Automation clearly present the information on the panel, secure locking system will not take the wrong decision. All this is very tempting for young, novice workers, operators: simple, he says, at the panel and click on the button. And what is the fault happen - there service mechanic, and his cards. But Yakubov felt bored, know one is remote and not to know, but what there is behind these multi-colored flashing lights and buttons. Well and during start-up of new production machines can be trusted only to people who are familiar with the new technique of "a" to "I".

It all prospective operators are not anxious to do their business directly, but only for their common good, and had to go first in handy for installers. Yakubov, with great clarity imagine how agitated the question of personnel management of the plant. Production from the old to the new factory came to the unit. With the leading professions have helped family businesses: another during assembly came machinists P. Yudin, L. Zonov, V. Vahulin, A. Troitsky. But the rest of the staff, and that 260 people were graduates of vocational schools, without practical experience, "neobkatannaya youth." And the older I studied and taught their own, and together took part in the assembly of machines.

Often, when a new company was not ladyatsya case, we hear: not enough staff, not trained personnel. It happens, and vice versa before starting a new plant begins to grow payroll, for an indefinite period "frozen" in reserve a staff of highly skilled workers and professionals. The factory still managed in a short time to create a competent, capable team.

Trouble is, of course, there were many, some came, and for big money, but seeing that the ruble that is given hard work, dismissed. Here there are not kept. It was hard with the young about the discipline. Simply happens when a recent graduate of college or high school comes to the established, mature team. And here was the opposite: for each cadre of experienced workers accounted for two dozen peteushnikov. In a particularly intractable had to leave, but the emphasis was on educational work. Were people really enthusiastic about working with young people, and among them stood out above all, a factory mechanic Ivan Tsvetkov Nikitich. He came to the Krasnoyarsk Pulp and Paper Mill. A man with a rich and productive life experience, a great internal culture, he did much to direct the energy of young people in the right direction.

Young people quickly felt, and attention demanding higher. Yes, and attention. For the period starting one hundred factories and development of young workers increased their production level, have established themselves in the profession, felt autonomy.

Did you complete confidence that the factory runs out in the schedule start and develop? Of course there was. But we must recognize that, in parallel with this there were one hundred and a thousand question marks of exclamation. Representatives of the Austrian firm "Voith" factory supplied the paper machines, having become acquainted with the charts of installation, adjustment and development, regarded them as unrealistic. They were absolutely convinced that meet the schedule is impossible.

Victor I. Yakubov They expressed their opinion, but to convince are not persuaded. The local charts, too, were born with no rhyme or reason, included in them "were all the possibilities and reserves, plus to such seemingly intangible thing, as people's enthusiasm, good moral mood. In the installation, commissioning, start-up involving hundreds of people from various organizations. They came from different cities are a part of the old familiar objects, and sometimes never seen before. their interests were often at odds, and much depended on the kind of atmosphere that is formed on the jobsite.

The deadlines were extremely tight, fitters worked around the clock. The future staff of the factory tried to make them all the conditions for fruitful work. In case of delay in supplying auxiliary materials, fixtures, parts, no one was sitting in the waiting with folded hands, all that may be produced in their own workshops. No one stood in a pose outside of the customer. Your saying it to mount, our ready-to come to. Installers have helped in unison, all they could. Schedules of works carried out strictly. It was the rule, if seen to lag behind in the evening at one site, then by the next morning it was liquidated by the general, come what may.

All captured a high rate: we must do! Not considered to-night, after midnight, my site, not mine-working in unison. This played a significant role in the overall success.

In the design of today's large industrial facilities are unavoidable the individual errors, inaccuracies, failures. Are, say, the project pipeline and suddenly stumble on the beam. On paper, it was not here, as in nature, here it is, bitter across the road. In that situation it would cause the inevitable bickering, seeking out those responsible, and where they will find when the documentation was drawn up five years ago, but after that it changes been made so that they and the authors themselves confused. But this conflict, as a rule, did not arise. Planners on the spot found to be counted the right decision, and the installation went on.

Yakubov worried: he somehow cope with the new technology? Oh, she seemed very complicated. And not one of his all-so-experienced.

After all, the new factory is an entirely different class of production, which at the plant before and did not know how it goes from the beginning? Around Svetogorsk-forests are all so berry pickers, and in that autumn Yakubov for mushrooms, and almost did not go. And not because there was no time. Sometimes, almost forcibly sent back home, go and rest. A pull-back goes: once they are doing. Start is a solid work, but also fascinating.

Day by day more and more cars acquire a finished look, while remaining still dead metal, but wisely arranged and ready to come to move from the first touch of human hands.

There are installation works its charm, nor the incomparable feeling when your eyes from the apparent confusion arises whole completed construction. Recently, still stood in the shop bare foundations, and now the beautiful rose machine is poagregatnaya scrolling, and "kipovtsy" conjure with its sensors and wires, the final stage of assembly. Reconstruction ended in the pulp sector, and tsellyulozniki already willing to give semi-finished product to the shop. But it is too early, early, and teams continue to learn. Arrange working the game, dressing mimic nets and cloth, are inevitable in future operations.

And now the crucial moment: the first machine connected to the grid. There is power in all engines come to life, lit up with remote controls. After sixteen days after the event has officially handed over to the car assemblers Plant Operator. And two days later, at half past two nights on the first reel was obtained by the paper.

The news ... that from hour to hour in the workshop can be obtained from the first paper, spread throughout the plant. In spite of the night, people gathered at the rolling decent and his team, and from the neighboring shops, and of leadership, of course. And wound the first meters of the paper web. Joy-it does not pass. Tear off a piece, it got married all those present. Someone then took him, for the museum.


What added to the story of Victor I. Yakubov?

Viktor silent about the fact that it shifts, as well as for other major work, more intense than in the installation and start-up, started just after that night, when the first car was produced the first paper. Ceased to vibrate much fanfare, has settled a pleasant and joyful holiday bustle. Packed suitcases restless nomadic tribe installers. And the hard work has begun on schedule adjustment and development unit.

Has already been given to the car business plan, even a little more, but the plan and in reporting the Central Statistical Office was wound on a separate plant Svetogorsk graph showing new products. She waited in dozens of addresses allocated under her vehicle, in a word, it has already been addressed in a complex system of national economy.

We walked in Svetogorsk cars with Karelian and Arkhangelsk timber. Voracious chippers installation absorbed dull yellow-barked logs. In large pots of boiling chips cellulose. Washed, cleaned, crushed. And all this, hundreds of meters, process chain became isolated on a paper machine. Here, the last stage of transformation, the wood was to turn the cable paper that can hold energy at a rapid conductor of electric current.

That paper, which was obtained in a memorable night starter, alas, has not been a product that should have been let svetogortsy. We had to work out the process, verify the technology, gain experience, sharpen intuition.

Omitted in his story of Viktor and how many had worried, once the sole masters of the new technology. True, there were a number of adjusters, do not skimp on the recommendation of the science, but the main demand was already serving with the brigade, with the drivers. Shape in the weeks dissimilar days, then there is hope of success, then dropped his hands from the inexplicable vagaries of technology. Oh, they do not have enough experience to simple operations spend four times more time than allotted by the rules.

The chief of the paper production of Nikolai Ivanovich Bystrov still kept the schedule development machine. On a sheet of graph paper can be clearly seen as a blue line that soared upwards, then dived down sharply, and again raised to the desired mark. Gradually cleared up technological details, staff has worked well. Full confidence felt only after five months. Sharply increased output cable paper, consumers began to give her high marks. In the sixth month of operation of the machine came out at full capacity.

Experience in the development of the first machine was used as starting on the second unit, which has already reached the projected production twice as fast. And then what?

Rise in neat ... the elevator, go through the corridors, neon-lit. And the view is opened a huge space workshop. A muffled roar of working machines. People are almost never seen.

- You know, 'said Yakubov, - work looks maloeffekten wallets. Maybe that's why we did not bestow attention newsreels. Our feedback: if the staff a little trouble, so the machine works fine. And as the team ran the ring, therefore, have missed something, somewhere is not doglyadel.

The factory became clear for a long time the production rate. Here are working on getting the highest grades of cable paper, in order to fully satisfy the demands of consumers. Thought the team focused on improving production. No matter how thought out design and engineering solutions, maintenance equipment, always identify any gaps, flaws. Only during the first year of the factory was filed 40 major innovations. And goes on behind the walls of building. The plant is expanding. The second stage of the company commissioned the production of acetate-cellulose. And once again formed a new band, new people are experiencing the bitterness of failure and the joy of success, learn, make mistakes, gain experience by working night after midnight, regardless of the time. Combine overcomes the next spiral of growth. In the future, designing and construction of paper for printing. Again, building, re installation, commissioning, development, again to overcome the difficulties ...

Work goes on. Time poses new challenges, a challenge. He grew up the scale of concern and Victor I. Yakubov

-Hero of Socialist Labor, deputy of the Leningrad Oblast Council of People's Deputies, a member of VSNTO. Recalling those days, when mastered his car, he says:

- So since then, in my opinion - well turned out.

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