Gustoev Vasily Mikhailovich

Ovsyannikov Vasily

Mullakaeva Nuria Kamaletdinovna

Stetsenko Nikolai

Smirnov Viktor P.

Demchenko Lydia Avgustinovna

Pirmatov Ergash

Yermolovich Vasily Mikhailovich

Aliyev Mashadi Ali oglu

Leshinskene Ioannina Pranovna

Ostanov Vladimir Nikitovich


Kuzmichev Nikolai Semenovich

The engineer of mining machines vymoechnyh mine "Intercession" Production Association "Tulaugol" Hero of Socialist Labor

Kuzmichev Nikolai Semenovich "Shines unknown star ..." But who is not familiar? Passengers train Moscow-Donbass areas, autotourists that race along the asphalt road from the capital city of Voronezh on? But residents Bogoroditsk, mining town in the Tula region, accustomed to the star, bright flaming on the Charpy "Intercession" at any time of year.

If the sign is lit in the sky miner prowess, then under the ground, in the lavas, things are going well. Mine is "Intercession" is perhaps the best company of the southern wing of the Moscow coal basin. Famous for new products, culture, manufacturing, high-impact stratum. Work here are great masters of fuel production. But among them is Nicholas S. Kuzmichev-respected people in the industry. Hero of Socialist Labor. Nature of many talents bestowed machinist mountain excavation machines, including the gift of storytelling. How will he remembered: "And yet my life was in an episode", not only students (with Kuzmichev constantly talking), but the elderly and people with interest fall silent to listen.

His team holds the record for the month-basin combine PKZM covered 1018 feet of mine workings. A rate-200 feet.

As records are placed?

- Believe me, it takes a mere trifle: so that the bosses did not sleep when you're awake - laughing, Nikolai Semenovich.-C director of the mine there is a bargain: if the night would be too, but at the slightest hesitation call him directly from the roadway, ask a smart board , with. And sleepy Comrade Chernysh not angry, but instead manages to deliver a particular tool, tells you how to solve the problem. He himself is a very clever specialist, like a talented military leader, one or two of the reports from the battlefield to quickly re-creates the entire picture ...

Records, of course, not an end in themselves, they show the limits at the moment the possibility of human and machine. On average, we go through over the last month of three hundred meters, to the rhythm of one and a half rules are used to. And if you need to speed up the move, please do not let you down. Just give the opportunity to think ahead and plan everything.

In general, telling how the records are produced or regulations overlap, of little interest. Other students are waiting for examples of self-sacrifice, deeds, and the whole thing is not the case, does not need to sacrifice, if debugged mechanism of control, well-organized labor.

For example, in August, put before us the task of preparing a mile lava. On 15 July setter calculate: take one thousand meters of rails, so many pounds of bolts, the contact wire. Kindly deliver on time. 17th Brigade collect all four lines, the director. There is a Party secretary, the chairman of shahtkoma, Head of Transport vnutrishahtnogo, head of the lumberyards, chief engineer, the representative of technical supervision. We discuss the details of the work: to slaughter was fitted with equipment mounting material provided to the interim turnout time made, that is, the exchange trolleys, and fewer idle processors.

Important factor, my guys know that will go 500 meters, will earn 550-600 rubles. Go up-mountain, and then the flowers, music, congratulations ...

It is not easy, of course, to have tunneling. Layer of undulating, heavily watered, "drip" like a boring autumn rain. A lot of trouble delivering trough-bowl-shaped depressions, karst failures. In short, it is necessary to overcome difficulties, nevertheless, all kinds of surprises. But most importantly, I repeat, skillful organization of the case.

For example, set a record, or even block the plan is not possible without special storage room on a site with complete sets of spare parts and equipment. Begin to shift without the buildup. Quickly combine greased, replaced teeth on the crown and-go! I run a combine, the first of drifters following the loading of coal into trucks, the second Strips drift, the third prepares the elements of support. While one driver rolls back the electric load from the main roadway and the other delivers the empty trucks.

Sometimes I think our link well-regulated clock mechanism in the roadway. When all the wheels and springs interact, then the graph is observed. If you want to "watch," added the course, translating a lever, and the whole mechanism speeds up the rhythm. No crashes or accidents. Believe me, for the nearly thirty years he spent under the ground, never finger does not hurt.

Well, if honest, and this was an episode in my life. One night it took to overtake harvester. Complex operation, and although team leader Nikolai Telyshev asked not to worry, I slept uneasily. According to the schedule my way to the second shift, and I arrived at the mine in the morning. And not in vain as it turned out. Combine rolled over on its side, pyrite was caught on the road, cutting pursed his body, and the car was "cut" the rock tufts as incompetent barber. Telyshev missed this thing, that's what occasion.

How to go out? They tried to straighten the grain, driving it into one, under another caterpillar slabs. But the logs are cracked, if the canes, nothing worked.

I had to take grain back, made a smooth floor, and went like a car on the asphalt. On that day, of course, half the rules did not work. But coped with the task. However, the heroism in all this-no. Remember the story is just unusual, because we have nothing like this has never happened.

The field and the field Kulikovo Ivanovo

- In some fifty kilometers from the mine, "Intercession" is well-known field-Kulikovo glory of the Russian land. And more recently, a well know local residents and other field-Ivanovo, too proud of it.

On Kulikov, Dmitry Donskoy beat the Golden horde. And at the Ivanovo ... We won the battle for the lives of their mines, - says Nikolay Semenovich. - This is how it happened.

"Intercession" started to get coal in December 1961. Its initial capacity of three hundred thousand tons of fuel per day. But by the end of the sixties reserves were depleted, and decided to close the mine. At the same backing, Ivanovo, the field in three and a half kilometers away, to build a new one. And with more modern vehicles, the high-frequency communications, advanced means of remote and automatic control. Designers calculated that the construction will cost about 15 million rubles.

His calculations did, and we, the workers. With the help of professionals in our mines. In our opinion came out: if you leave the old above-ground facilities and the lifting device "Intercession", having a reconstruction, but to dig a tunnel to the field Ivanovski, the cost is only about three million rubles. So, you can save the state twelve million. And the miners will not have to leave the modern settlements, settle in new places ...

The situation was then complicated. At the Moscow pool comrades from other planners looked skeptical. And then there's "Underground" to us had a lively line of railway. A sudden landslide will begin tearing down the fabric?

The ministry, together with other friends of mine sent me to, say, you know how to persuade. But try, however, is convincing when our version is fraught with risk and possible trouble for giving his consent. And in the case of construction of a new mine personally no one gets hurt. In the loss will be only the public pocket. Such a choice of the people there often. And frankly, quite often prefer to "risk" a wealth of public treasury.

The victory in the capital was given to us is not easy. But the agreement was taken! So the battle began, during which had to mobilize all their skills, all courage.

Geological conditions were extremely difficult penetration-showered sand and almost creeks flowing water. When the left is a little bit, just four hundred meters to connect to reaching toward tunneller, management decided to withdraw from the drift foragers. Now we had to argue, and in the offices of Bogoroditsk, take full responsibility. At a meeting of the brigade decided to: take the risk!

However, the tunnel was fixed in a special way, set the frame for frame, but still kept the sand boards. I remember that weekend did not take other people's changes, we catch the excitement of this extraordinary was. And at the end of the night shift surveyor Alexey Meshkov said: "It remains to two meters. We pass the watch or keep working? "Unanimously voted, completed tunneling themselves.

Now we have both? We went down into the ground through an old trunk, and three and a half kilometers further train roll. Brief walk to the rich layers, which for decades had enough. And we issue out to the surface is three hundred and six hundred and fifty thousand tons of coal per year. And we saved the field of Ivanovo ...

She walked up to a machine queue ...

Kuzmichev Nikolai Semenovich The miners, the people of money, many have a car or going to buy it. Standing in line, and Nicholas S.. But then he said:

Please get your "Moskvich". Kuzmichev rushed to the savings bank, and there on account of his very small amount. Can understand: Dollar has never felt, lived, they say, on a grand scale, are known hospitality. And most importantly, had Kuzmicheva four daughters, each of them with a salary advance and bought clothes. In general, one way or another, but was a miner in an awkward position. One of the most highly paid in the "Intercession" and money for the car is missing! And do not kakih-nibud hundreds and thousands. He sees the director of the mine Chernysh that hesitates and blushes a brave miner with a cheerful Cossack forelock, hides its light-brown eyes. I learned the reason, laughed: "Is that all!" Talk with the chief engineer Mikhail Andreyevich Krasikov, head of field, Alexander Petrovich Brazhnikov ... The next morning to lay down the necessary amount of Nikolai Semenovich and Kuzmichev bought "Moskvich".

To pay off debts for the year with his wife announced they were a kind of austerity. However, the target date was not enough for even Kuzmicheva thousand rubles. And then rescued by his son.

"Where did the son?" Ask-even some residents of the Virgin Mary, when it is well known that Nadia gave birth to daughters only Kuzmicheva? Yes, so it has turned from Nikolai Semenovich, that he got rich and coveted heirs. Today he even has two sons.

At the mine ... after the army came to Eugene Hurmatullin, came to the brigade Kuzmichev. Nikolai Semenovich attentive to each person, well, to the fatherless, in particular. Eugene was in their house the seventh member of the family. And he was married, in fact, Kuzmichev, was introduced to a good girl. Not only strengthen the drifts taught S. Eugene. A guy in his house and learned the important science of goodwill, mutual respect, love, on such moral principles held Kuzmicheva family.

Accompanied the young to Kamchatka, where they pulled a romance, too, the whole family ... And heard about the difficulties of Eugene called his father, CW transferred the money. When Nikolai Semenovich said that soon will send him a thousand back Hurmatullin hurt seriously. Submitted by a short letter:

"Dear Nikolai Semenovich! Why are you writing about money? I tell you the whole life and never shall forget it. Will Vacation, be sure to'll pick. Your Eugene. "

And who was the second son of Nikolai Semenovich? Frankly, it's great upset that there will be after him at the mine, "Intercession," another miner named Kuzmichev. A dream came true on the continuation of the dynasty entirely unexpected way. The eldest daughter married to Svetlana met retired lieutenant. Before registering, parents said, "You know, Vladimir agreed to take our name. By the way, asking, Father, into your team. " And glad Nikolai Semenovich this turn, and embarrassed. Son-in team? And what the people think?

The people said, if a guy is good, take it. Know that he still favors for nothing does not give. Vladimir Kuzmichev was excellent tunneller, he likes the team, but sometimes povorchit his father to him very picky, picky, even. He told me:

- But other team members, avidly praises the skill combine driver Mikhail Pavlovich Belov, modesty, neatness, thrift, Vasily Zhukovsky Makeshina miner ... Drivers as Vasily Fedorovich Golovin Dokuchaev and Ivan loves selflessly yielded them their "personal" trips to the resort.

Kuzmichev miner dynasty continues as a daughter, Anya, working at one of the mines Mosbassa engineer. Nikolai Semenovich hopes that will be a miner and one of his four grandchildren.

Why is a miner's headache

Miner can retire at age 50. Solomin passed this milestone, but the work continues, the health does not complain. He likes when the weather is raging, raging storm or blizzard. By the way, if in the storm, certainly goes to a ski trip. But under the ground has its own weather, unchanged. However, if the atmospheric pressure changes, Kuzmichev shall order to strengthen the observation that there has not begun to stand out in the dangerous firedamp doses?

Though wet and cool in the drifts, Kuzmichev works always light. Because practically no downtime, no time to cool down.

- And yet I often have a headache. But not from the weather. From the problems which miners, in my opinion, all added, 'says Nicholas S.. What worries him? First of all: that's twenty years working on the sinker all the same, is clearly outdated technology. And do not give a real turn miners.

- Spending a year or seven years ago have been some sort at a meeting with the Minister twenty-eight foremen, and I among them, - says Nikolay Semenovich. - Served. When, they say, will be facilitated our work? As it turns out, in particular, the mines near Moscow? A people for the combine and ... raises hand attachment. At high water sector - drenazhisty march to ... crowbars. Pump does not come up. Sometimes breaks water, slurry buckets scoops. It's no good!

Assured us then: creates treatment complex "Progress" is almost, he says, is ready. Where did he ask? If you do not get something for nothing, we shy away from the scientists. Would result in the machine faces, with finalized.

... By this he does not get used. Even during the war years, when the seventeen year old Nikolai Kuzmich worked at MTS CTZ on the tractor, he invented many improvements. For example, out of order vakuumbachok, a young mechanic pours naphtha in a barrel, raising it by means of special rods to half a meter higher, and fuel is passed by gravity. The machine worked ... And later, in 1959, when he was a miner, with him at all has happened very curious story.

Brand new, just designed processor PC-3 were sent to the mine by mistake. They realized a day or two, and Kuzmichev, has already pulled in the drift of his, began to develop. Immediately began, and for improvement: determined that we needed a more powerful engine, 14 kW (was six). I had to change and gearbox. The authors arrived at the mine harvester interested. We visited at the face, shook their heads, too, they say, "flows", in such circumstances, the machine can not withstand examination. Consulted with the leaders of the mine, the trust, said: if you can, Kuzmichev, walk 150 meters per month, 10,000 team prize. They have been 183 meters.

The team Kuzmicheva one of the first in the country picked up the call for Ukrainian miners to prolong the life of Ivan Strelchenko combine. It is believed, after two thousand feet sinking him to do major repairs. Kuzmichevtsy extended period of trouble-free service for up to seven thousand feet.

- But in general, poorly supported the Ministry a good move - says Nikolay Semenovich.-not carried out an exchange of experiences, poorly promoted this form of competition. I think it's time to move at all on the nodal method of repair. Now as it happens? Faulty belt reloader, you see, the whole edifice ten-extracted to the surface. Just ridiculous! Or else, does not replace the gearbox in the roadway? For example, we do it. But on the other mines are driven grain to the plant, spending huge money. Kuzmichev head hurts and the miner's shift. Nikolai Semenovich is rightly called a mentor, a lot of great miners under his wing flew in solo flight. But now the young people at the mine has less to come. One reason, says Nikolai Semenovich, is that the schools tightened period of training and preparing for longer mining specialties, mostly mechanics, which are then arranged on the plants. Kuzmichev managed to have opened a training course just click na mine. And the miners for three or four months, improve their skills on the job, while maintaining high earnings.

- If I can, novices paid special attention to, says Kuzmichev.-for example, in the first three months of the norms they need to reduce and maintain a substantial payment. It is, in my opinion, materially and morally to encourage each successive step the young miner. And not to send children for many years in school. All the same home-school for them in the roadway. Thought, perhaps controversial, but prompted by the practice. Communist Kuzmichev, permanent member party bureau of mines, a member of the Virgin city party committee, to just have it. Never say anything, will express the truth in your eyes and stumbled to support someone who seeks to correct the error.

1978 ... In thirty years of her marriage to Nadia Kuzmichev lavishly celebrated. But the 31-th anniversary of the celebrated and seemingly modest, even by accident. Visiting happened to be me. Nikolai Semenovich took the accordion, and the woman immediately appeared in the scarf. I-sang, Nikolai Semenovich caught. Admired all the guests of the couple, without spilling a single drop of their mutual love for the many years of life, not always cloudless. In the early postwar years, met a young collective farm tractor and a young-sugar-beet growers, accidentally looked into each other's eyes, and so it can not see enough.

- Here is the family, so family, said the director of the mine at the Chernysh vecher.-For many they Bogoroditsk-like stars guiding.

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