Shekhovtsov Seraphim G.

Anatoly Yakoventsev

Antipova Ekaterina

Abdrakhmanov Nina Lukichna

Vladimir Shmelev

Sitkarev Ivan

Chumak Paul A.

Pryhoda Yuri Ivanovich

Kulmatova Satina

Aripov Ismail Halmatovich


Arnapolina Elena Kalmanovna

Seamstress-machine operator Birobidzhan hosiery knitting mill

Arnapolina Elena Kalmanovna In 1984 he came to Birobidzhan group of foreign journalists. After reviewing the program of the visit, they are strongly interested in people who are on their production figures have gone far ahead, running for more than one five-year plan target. "Is it in there like that? Who are they? "Mike has shown particular interest Davidou-correspondent of the American Communist" Daily World ". He replied:

- That's right, there are people in Birobidzhan. Guests will have the opportunity to talk with them.

- You were not mistaken?-Zhurnalisty. asked again, you are talking about the many? That's it. One of them, in front of you ...

What surprise guests when they face appeared comely, with beautifully laid in a pony with thick jet-black hair, with a charming smile and cheerful eyes open woman. On the red, like the dawn, jacket exuded Gold Star of Hero of Socialist Labor.

- Meet, said the factory director Zinovy Aronovich Dudkin.-Seamstress Helen Kalmanovna Arnapolina. The third consecutive five-year period, it does ten jobs per annum.

There was a momentary confusion. While they were thrown off the burden of sudden paralysis, she stared at them calmly, as if trying to read the facial expressions of each character. She had grown accustomed to the set of acquaintances, conversations, discussions, most often have to travel to meet with specialists in Moscow and Khabarovsk, to speak before an audience and working scientists to answer questions of Soviet and foreign journalists. So no one got into this situation.

First, lost, embraced the excitement did not know what to do and think, and hands. It was only later she learned to clamp down on himself, remembering his shop, the city, his family, Boris, and daughters Angela and Marina, and calmed down. And over time, and got used at all, has learned with dignity to stay in a formal setting. Moreover, the open and peered hard at the interlocutors, trying to understand the nature of the expression of the eyes of strangers. And that, she, too, wonder who she will talk about his fate. Blush's leads. Breaks in the dark face, Glows Red glow of dawn.

- So what are we silent? Let's talk?

Questions, of course, there were many. Replying to them, it was like milestones of their own destiny. Perhaps unremarkable, not original. In any case, because it was thought at the time when finishing school, her friends chose where to go, which way to go in life, to happiness, and not surpassed, and the satisfaction is not lagging behind.

For girls Birobidzhan long been trodden paths, stitches on a sewing factory-, knitwear, footwear, and felt boots. It so happened that all the companies developed together with the city. Women worked mostly here in the light industry, and the men in the factories "Dalselmash" and power transformers. A tailor-secrets, and other regulators, so harvesters.

On the knitting factory, she liked it. The team first in the region was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. People around find good. Since the soul was, with the soul was taught. A little more heat but participation and do not need another happiness. So she stuck with the factory. A first contact with an independent business has aroused in her irrepressible desire to work hard and diligently, to give products longer than the defined master.

I liked the factory, because like sewing, listening to the chatter of typewriters. Do not shop-chief at the factory, but the pilot. Sounds! And if you look, do not go without it to anyone. All the innovations were transformed fashion clothing and thinning, proceeded from here. She thought that her newfound profession in the shop, too, is not home. Seamstress! Here, the first account of technologists, engineers, designers and craftsmen. A seamstress? No, stop! And if once more stricter, sensible to think that they are engineers, do without it? Yeah, no idea will not see the light, do not miss it through the heart of the seamstresses, like a thread through the needle.

That's the mood and the beginning of it came easy, quickly mastered the norm, has done little more than normal. It is hard, and did not let on, she worked with a smile, a cheerful mood, singing. "While I am able to walk until I am able to look until I am able to breathe, I'll go ahead." Like these lines from the song. And burning in fast dexterous hands.

Young seamstress quietly became one of the foremost competition. Talking about it at meetings, set up as an example, is not advised to learn the skill yet, but the mood on the impact of the case. Yet it is estimated that one can not appreciate in people: diligence, discipline, ingenuity. A first success, and delighted her. For myself, she decided to live so as to magnify the work of man. And it seems to succeed. Let no one think that the fragile nature a little effort and energy.

In a moment she discovered that she opened a side with the unknown, which could illuminate the sociability, the ability to keep the conversation going, kind-heartedness. She possessed her friends to her because she could understand them, to cheer up a woman and gently touching. Growing up in the collective actions were stained with the will and feelings. Perhaps because of this it was considered sensible, wiser and, unfortunately, a little older than we would like.

And when I became aware of this, more often recalled his father, his life, thought and action, not a cast-people.

His father came to Birobidzhan in the early thirties. At that time the chief and his wealth was the only large family. Lena was born already here on earth the Far East. Father at all times remain strict with their children. Especially not bothered moralizing, but it always helped them when they were not able to understand something. Obzhivshis, he has gained enormous wealth and now, besides the family, the most prized acquisitions of the new city, which is built on the banks of a mountain svetlostruynoy Bireh. And like the rapids of the river, all streamed louder, is not stopped, his stories about the construction site, as a rise residential neighborhoods, as many of them settlers happy smiles ...

Lena ran to her father. In the evenings listening to his father, and next morning ran on a platform where whistled carpentry axes. No, it works beautifully father, envy can be. Knock-knock-clatter. And the crown is ready. Knock-knock-clatter. Faster than others? Faster! Really fast. Falling off a cracked sidewall, exuding resinous spirit. He still remember the smell of resin and cut the young full-oval butt. Forever remain in memory, and his father's words:

- We must love his job, then going to the right people. And become the right people, you will live a full measure.

On the street Chapaeva, where barracks once stood, and were first planted poplar, and now look at the crown of slender trees, the white stone buildings of the window. Today there is not much in Birobidzhan wooden houses. With their disappearance are erased in the hearts and pictures of the past. Over the years, changing and moral values of childhood and adolescence. Like it or not, and the city, and life itself are perceived differently. There is nothing unnatural not. Life is renewed and the soul sparkles. And enjoy the reality-onetime proud. That's her way. So many changes in herself, in the fate and poplars, like a magnet, do not let go. She knows, why not let go. Under their green noise father shared wisdom of life, which he finds in the collective work - shared, as if commanded. That's why she does not forget those of the poplars, the words spoken by the evening of their crown. Never forget. On the road of life, from the native threshold. What will you take, and so live. On the same street side by side, Boris Arnapolin. They met every day on my way to school, trails Youth Games. She agreed to be his chosen one, when he was discharged from the army. Previously, ran, did not seem to notice. And then he returned from work, looked ... Time passes, and his sense of lightening and live help. Already, daughter Angela and Marina, adults learn in the institute. A sense of it under the poplars, to become a young, strong, not cool. Thanks to him, Boris. Without his patience, turning silver at the temple, how many it could be?

With the street, they moved to a new neighborhood, close to Bir. From the window is visible hill on the opposite bank, a bush along the edge of a distant horizon, merging with flat expanse, where the flood plain, where the fields, where the woods.

Housewarming celebrated at the time when a number entered into the new system, the fifth in a factory - knitting hosiery. On her much talked about. I was struck, of course, the extent of future production: 11 million units of knitted underwear and 32.5 million pieces of stockings, tights, socks. Clothing for children and adults, a growing population of Siberia, the Far North, the Far East. And first, lightning lighteneth thought: "Does not work in the new team?" Of the base by a not yet had. And trikotazhke needed skilled hands. Independent work in a new place in the main production. Opinion daughters then sounded categorical:

- House side by side. You will not be late for dinner.

Arnapolina Elena Kalmanovna And she agreed, passed. That too has passed the age of seventeen. Rose park, planted builders and factory workers in the first spring. As the street Chapaeva shot up around the poplar trees. Years, much has changed in the new venture. It developed the first working dynasty-chute, Krichevsky, Kotlyar, Shkandevichi, Biryukov. Every year half a million rubles spent on the purchase of technological equipment that is easier to work. Only in the last four years established 400 new hosiery knitting machines and knitting machines, knitting. Mechanized support operations and transportation of finished products. And the results are obvious. State Quality Mark awarded 24 articles and dozens of others are available with the index "N".

Big changes in the social sphere. The factory has its own housing, day care, cafeteria, health center. The workshops are equipped with restrooms, health corner, furnished with flowers and greenery. Young comes from the completion of the Mechanics and Technology College of Light Industry and GPTU. The three dormitories are open library, counseling center part-time school. In the sports sections and clubs of amateur every fourth employee is engaged in ... Maybe, since they are a family of circles and became addicted to skiing. What kind of looking forward to her daughter Sunday's raids, frost, no frost, and followed by Boris willow, coastal scrub, to clean the snow, breathing the sweet air.

For seventeen years she was all expensive here. And the plant cutters, sewing, which she determined once and for all as a seamstress, still beckons spaciousness and light. Her place as it was, and remains, a window, or at least some flow. It does not differ from the others. Typewriter, a chair, colored, under a rainbow, a stack of flat cut. In view of an outsider, a bit crowded. But it is not, everything here is designed, tailored, so it was convenient to take a cut, do not spend unnecessary movements on the operation.

Next to her as she worked, and worked Nina P. Berkutova. Although not much earlier, but she first came on the socks and knitwear. And on the Rights of the old-timer shared experience. Working in one link, and they soon became friends .. Nina Pavlovna, too, liked the words of the song: "Until I am able to walk ... I'll go ahead. " In two votes turned out nicely, singing all her friends invigorate, to whom through the clatter of typewriters fell muffled voices.

Elena looked closely Kalmanovna to other working women. Nothing escaped her from the unique to humans than they are always different each other. Noticed took over. So entering the ninth five-year plan with confidence powerfully.

Now about Helen Kalmanovne say, skill, perseverance, diligence allowed her to perform a five-year job for two and a half years. But then it's hard to fit into the usual framework of understanding. In an age when everything is calculated up to the limit, and human actions are dependent on the technique, if such is possible, akin to the fantastic results? But the fact was that. Industry standards have been blocked by a factor of 2.5. Piece goods, pieces came from her needle machine also 2.5 times more than the defined task. It was only after the man race against time, presented the first award, the Order "Badge of Honor" surprise is gone, it is time to reflect on an outstanding fact of our lives, what is the phenomenon of Helena Arnapolinoy?

It was both. Another wanted to wait. Persisted: wait - we'll see. What will be the end of five years? It is possible that it created a hothouse conditions and the machine can be, not what all, and harvesting other ... Survive? Back down? ..

And she did not listen. Worked. Remained true to the rhythm taken. And for a five-year period, as promised, completed ten jobs per annum. And the incredible results achieved on the same machine, for which she worked and her smenschitsa Nina Ryazantseva. From Nina she did not hide his abilities, skills, shared, advising how best to organize the work. But it remained until the top out of reach for others. • talk about it with renewed vigor. The experience of her work were studied in Birobidzhan. On the "stockings" is often the representatives of related enterprises in Khabarovsk, the cities of Siberia and Far East. This was the starting time of public recognition, which eventually could not impose a personal stamp on Arnapolinoy.

Knowing that we should share our wealth with others, awakened another quality-dormant desire for professional communication. From conversations with others, she drew a lot. Then was born the idea to create an enterprise school of excellence seamstress Helen Arnapolinoy. No lack of students ten years ago, there is now. Over two hundred people were trained in advanced methods of labor. Never mind that almost none of them managed to catch up with the teacher, to give 500 pieces a day at a rate of 216, can be seen, the talent still needed. But those who are close to the record result, it became a lot: one hundred workers of the factory jobs have overfulfilled by 40-60 percent. Now, unequivocally believe in it, the skill and success in the human race against time. Understood: it is not so much the ability to surprise, but for the repetition.

Each new victory Arnapolinoy and its followers celebrated volatile rally. They gave flowers, memorial addresses were presented, congratulations.

- Was it for us, Lena, Lena and stayed - recognized Berkutova. - Its success is its merit. Maybe someone is jealous of her. But do not be jealous and try to overtake. Flight no one ordered. But, alas. Not all turns out. Here I had some great over-fulfillment of norms. Almost twice! Still, I'm not sure that'll catch our Stakhanovite. Yes, and to decide on this is not easy: two five-year period in one! With her strength, she is constantly correct way, the permanent collection, focuses on the high end result. Yes, this is our Lena.

The Tenth Five-Year Plan began for her memorable. Its experience of the Khabarovsk regional committee approved the Bureau of the Communist Party. It was recommended that where possible, on the textile and garment enterprises to develop the Movement "For five years or ten annual rules!". The soil is prepared for such events. Happened and what were waiting with impatience, from a record pace-makers, the mass movement. Having been in school Arnapolinoy, charted for themselves the same goal: "For five years or ten annual rules!" - Lyudmila Konyukhova to Khabarovsk industrial sewing association "East", raskroyschitsa Antonina M. Kuznetsova, Ludmila zagotovschitsa Kerzhner, working with Isaac B. Davydov Birobidzhan footwear, raskroyschitsy Tamara P. and Mary Petrishcheva Nikiforovna Lysyuk to Birobidzhan garment factory. Support it and the native plant knitters Lyudmila Kasic and Tatiana Afanasyevna Sitnikov. They were joined by another 23 people. By calculating the forces and capabilities, many have identified for themselves, too, are not ordinary purposes: to fulfill the program of five years for three or three and a half years. Good seeds gave good germination.

The second award, the Order of Red Banner of Labor, presented her annual XVI Congress of Trade Unions. She first flew at such a representative forum. And one-awaited meeting with Moscow, which has not yet been. The capital is not only impressed and delighted boiling, energy and aspiration. It is seemed familiar, in its nature is always movement and aspiration. Introduction to Moscow as it expanded notion of honor, duty, love for the Fatherland. The capital gave her new strength and confidence in the rightness of their actions and deeds. They needed her case, the people, the Motherland. In its place, it will multiply them as capable. "While I am able to walk ..." And the feeling that rocks it all, did not leave any Apartment Museum of Lenin in the Kremlin, nor in the Lenin Hills, or in Gorki Leninskie. She is in contact with the grandeur of the past, insight into the present day and rushed seething in the future, which she envisioned a bright and joyful, and all the best in him, realized will depend on her to like her.

Then she was elected a member of the All. It has become increasingly come to Moscow, met with people from different republics and foreign countries. New public responsibilities dragged it into the new realm of communication. Willy-nilly, and elaborated that hardness, that confidence in the words and behavior that is now often amaze and delight those who knew her for a long time. It can be seen, and there is nothing supernatural and incomprehensible. Personal qualities: modesty, tact-time. The impact of the collective, which was forged over the years a sense of responsibility for themselves and for society, or two. And third, curiosity, the sharpness of mind. And all in general, the surprising appearance of the working man, to whom we adore.

She has known for a century, immutable truth: in our social programs, all the conditions laid down to you in constant conscientious work has gained an ideological, professional and intellectual excellence. She was given a pass that way. She passed him. And I thought, all the top. Not contentment, but happiness has been achieved. And then what's enough?

Of all the meetings she especially emphasizes one or the famous weaver from the Ivanovo region, Valentina Golubeva. They had something to tell each other, discuss and argue. And the answer to the question, so it is not tormented one: "Yes, there is the limit, which try to find out more?" Suddenly-determined and, of course, true. Perhaps there is no limit. His can not be if constantly tuned to search for, go ahead. One day, having risen to the top, do not want to stay at the bottom. From the top of the world knows better, fuller life in care. So, everything is clear: only continue to seek and find.

Returning to the shop, she sat down at the sewing machine by the window. Behind the glass was spreading blue sky, cut by the golden rays of the sun. Glancing briefly at the darkened eaves side extension transition, it takes preparation, light pressure includes motor. Now it's all in the work. Have time to consider things-finished products. That's the norm! Malo. More! Malo. After passage, we must catch up on the account. The aim is: for one or two five-year period. But as time passed, and found that it has surpassed itself: for the tenth five-year period completed 12 annual standards. A April 11, 1984 completed by the eleventh five-year period.

On that day, on Wednesday, she came to work, as always, in advance. Prior to the change in twenty minutes. Checked the car, picked up the size and color of thread ... Zastrekotala needle ... But she was still at the mercy of family joy. In the evening called Marina from Khabarovsk younger: "Mom, exams started. Passed the math. Tomorrow I get home. Homes will be prepared. Without you I miss my father. " And Boris was delighted:

- Well done. Let him come. It is best to prepare. And they will be in our family economists. Who would have thought?

Angela has already graduated from a course at the Institute of National Economy, persuaded his sister to do there too. Marina's mother, all in a cheerful, restless. Angela calmer, more sensible. But how to grow in friendship, and live, one after the other stretches. And that loyalty to a mother with her father. Friendship with parents to help them be stronger. With the departure of the daughters of the house was reduced worries. That's why it's so pleased call Marina. And she did not immediately understand what works foreman Lyudmila Shishkin:

- Lena! Congratulations!

- And you know, where did that come Marinka? She's passed the math.

- What are you, Lena, did not listen to the radio? And really did not listen ... I am that you have hero now!

- Yes, enough for you. Then the hero, when the work is a mountain.

- Look at her! Wake up, Lena. The decree passed ...

She stopped the car. Adjusted the white apron. Delayed tighter scarf. The large dark eyes calm, but also surprise them. No, she did not understand what the master says.

Do not have time to look back, the girls came running. Zatselovali, as always, no crafty, poured out their feelings. Picked up and into the office to Zinovy Aronovich Dudkiiu. The director gives the handset shines.

- From the Regional Committee of the party, he says. - Listen ...

The voice sounded solemn and friendly. Yes, promulgated by Decree. From now on, Elena Kalmanovna Arnapolina Hero of Socialist Labor.

She says quietly: "Thank you." Hangs up. He sits down. Crying. Looks at her team of Natalia Bredikhina. Forty people. And she was crying.

- Should be happy, 'he says with a smile direktor.-So we have a factory the first Hero of Socialist Labor. Other businesses are older, but they have no such awards in the collectives. Rejoice, our joy.

- I am happy ...

The same day came to Marina. They were tired of waiting for the father-mother had not come at once and not one. After changing its congratulations to the meeting. And since she stole her friends rally to his home. The phone rings incessantly. The door is not closed. A threshold is crossed late Angela. It-it does not expect: the eldest daughter of the practice is not over yet. Angela was released on a day for family reunion. Hugging her mother, she too was crying.

- Do you rejoice, have fun, said Elena Kalmanovna.

- Yes, I am happy, Mom. You have a real hero!

It was the third day of August. Hot, stuffy, even Wednesday. In an unforgettable evening of water svetlostruynoy Bira still ran swiftly and aggressively. How's life.

That life, that so whirled, fascinated, now we can say lifted. Again, the question arose, tormented past. The top of it? That is the intersection where a stop-as much as possible? Enough is enough! And then she was frightened. Say what you like, and a strong feminine. The life-work. And at work, as in life, one should not limit yourself to the limit. Otherwise, it stops in its movement towards perfection. And perfection is a category that does not have the scale or boundaries. Constantly absorbing the best in people and give them the best that is in you. So it will be correct. Your wealth, for the common brotherhood. Look at the Valentin Golubev. Win again.

As time passes, and Arnapolina say one remarkable sentence: "The Gold Star of Hero of the five rays. Four of them, the merit of the brigade and daughters with Boris. And one, perhaps, a ray of something and I have earned. Do not you? "And a bright smile lighted up her. Kalmanovna Elena laughed. And the brown face flushed struck. Embarrassed unexpected idea. You never talked about himself. Even as a joke.

No, its reasoning is not hidden soul-searching, not hiding, and hint at the loss of sense of reality. That is true. When the daughter grew up, with what joy they waited for her return. Put on the table, fussing around "Prozasedavshiesya": a school of excellence, the meetings with young people in the hostel, the city party committee meeting of the bureau, she was elected to its membership ... What became known the name of Arnapolinoy, the less time left for personal concerns. And how many of her evenings waiting for Boris, glancing in the impending blue twilight. Clap the sun over the horizon. And the white snow became purple. A summer of green foliage loomed in the late hour, losing bright vivid colors. Often, they both worked in different shifts. And when the change match, he came with "Dalselmasha" once-longer stay in the family. But Helen was not there. In a blue night, not only she, the mother and wife, but children and her husband realized how hard fame.

About the team and say no. Some people think: team Bredikhina themes and famous that it works Arnapolina. In the flow Kalmanovna Elena quits managers. Initially, the product gets to sverlovschitsam Faina Daulbaevoy and Love Monza, then on the car beechnuyu Lydia Maksimenko and re-porting on to Nina Pavlovna Berkutova Budkovskyy and Valentina. In other seamstresses in the preparatory operations employ one person. Arnapolinu naparnitsa one does not have time to provide blanks. Thus, they help her go ahead of time. But the connection is, of course, reversed. Looking at it, reach for high performance and all the rest. Cherished friend fame. That team does not know failure. Always in front.

None of the rest of the Lena anything. She was always alarmed if any of the friends without the need arise due to the machine then it is not looked at his watch, and felt products that manage to do it. The result was an impressive loss. And when she proposed to introduce the team of boiler system, supported it, though not without controversy. Convinced:

- Do we always understand: "Working time, work"? The slogan will be the slogan if we do not learn how to save a second. They're in a minute merge, and the minutes turn into finished products. Over the plan! Over and above the norm!

Accustomed to the CTS. And it all is not enough: not without innovation. A proposal is not as harmless. But do not be frightened. Say it is time to review the norms. Yes, the problem is undeniable, but the obvious. Skill has increased. Equipment updated. Become more perfect organization of production, technology, manufacturing garments. The factory produces four million pieces of products more than the allowed initial capacity. But the opportunities are. If you do not look, they do not find it. In short, think, agree with Helen, have reserves.

Management of the factory four teams considered the request for revision of work norms. Perhaps, had it not been for the authority Arnapolinoy of friends, she was able to inspire them to great things? If not for her own desire for him, the love of the brigade, the best in the factory, she would be able to stay so long at a height? No, no, no!

In the team it has reached perfection. Team and has brought glory. What took so many and gave.

And how many times before: having finished the story by answering the questions of the guests, she was waiting for that single request, which betrayed distrust of the interlocutors:

- Where is your place to shop? Get behind the car. Show how you work. As it happens, and with foreign correspondents. They are constantly writing in notebooks, cameras clicked. She led them into the shop. Checked the machine. Adjusted cut-pile glowing pieces. All at your fingertips.

When the motor is turned on, rattling spines fused into a solid, continuous, kept on one note trill. Go to the product line for the product was almost unnoticeable: by going to the second, sewing only flashed in front of the affected journalists. And for all that much grace in motion, that it was impossible not to think about the poetry of labor. Although it was the habit of working only delight.

Stopped. Looked at the guests. They smiled, forgetting about the notebooks and cameras. And she felt: disbelief vanished. Foreigners looked at her with admiration. And Mike Davidou Elder Group, spoke quickly, with an accent, it did not disappoint in anticipation:

- Unfortunately, overseas do not represent actual Birobidzhan. Do you have a good social infrastructure. Pioneer Palace, Philharmonic Hall, housing the modern enterprise. Believe me, this is not in the big cities of America, New York and Chicago. And more than you take, 'the beauty of human labor. People like Helen Arnapolina very bright example for all the evidence.

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