Suzdaltsev Alexander

Yuri Petrovich Bronnikov

Liholat Vladimir F.

Gorban Gregory

Strelchenko Ivan

Vovk Love Yosifovna

Tozik Leonid Afanasievich

Chashchin Sergei Petrovich

Tokumtaev Smagul Kusainovich

Shamil Aliyev Rustamovich

Ivanov Vasily Kuzmich


Shchetinin Anna Ivanovna

The captain-coach of the Far Eastern Shipping Company, Hero of Socialist Labor

Shchetinin Anna Ivanovna The window of my office worker prints the old Vladivostok court. Raise your head and eyes will be rested in a red brick five-story building capital construction. In the hallways are wide and gently sloping staircase, high ceilings in the apartments. And only add to the playful side the house with light columns and arches reminiscent of the recent era is not always-so-bad architectural excesses.

I sit behind a desk, typewriter goading in search of the single verb or comparison, think about what else interesting to write, and under the window goes to the baker she the world's first female captain. Since childhood, heard of it. Read. About to see her, not even dreamed of: she was so far in its Far East of the Ukraine, where I lived.

And before her reach. Forty meters. Insurmountable forty meters.

No, it's very accessible and friendly. "Hello, Anna Ivanovna," smiles, replying. Ask, how are you, ask about my kids health and then abruptly change the course of conversation, hit on the head of the "Media" concern over the growing pollution of the Amur Bay, where we malignant Silent, and bathe themselves, or slow the construction of children's institutions, from -for which the mother can not arrange their babies in the nursery, or inconsistencies in public transport. A special theme-housing, the housing problem.

Who knew it long ago or recently, who sailed with her, or just talked, he sees in it a fundamental irreconcilability to shortcomings in the Bolshevik character. Perfectionism of Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina not only a property of its arduous nature, inherited from the parents, indigenous in the Far East. It matters, criticized the proposals clearly visible over the years worked out a system of solid views, the position of a statesman, that it is prepared to uphold and defend everywhere. On the walk, and on the rostrum, at home for a cup of tea in the company of old friends, Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina always itself, not considering it necessary and possible to mitigate its characteristic sharp categorical statements and judgments. The remarkable quality, which can boast of every man. My neighbor, who is in the bag apples and biscuits rumyanoschekim his grand-niece of Olenka and Sasha, chairman of Seaside Women's Committee, a member of the Committee of Soviet Women, chairman of the club captain, captain-coach and a member of the captains of the Order of Lenin for the Far Eastern Shipping Company.

There is a saying: the heart of a soldier in the reserve does not go away. In the case of Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina can say that it is the sea captain and is now in working order, though no longer stands on the bridge.

Today the bridge above it, and responsible. That's what I think, looking up from the typewriter, when a window is my neighbor. Here's what to write. But ...

Ten years ago, according to a thick book "City nashensky," the captain told reporters, Anna, who came to her home:

- Please pass on to my colleagues that today's conversation with the press, I have the latest.

Distressed journalists, of course, the curious, this is due to how the so-live in one city with the Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina and do not write about her, about her adventures?

- About me too much has been said, many issued in advance, so there is still much to work out. In addition to the height of his sixtieth birthday, I appreciate a lot different.

We used to believe in books. I believed I was. And not even tried to talk with a neighbor about a possible interview. Who wants to be rejected. See you. "Hello", "Hello." Let's talk about that, about this and part. But one day, they say, got so hot. The editors of the newspaper "Soviet Russia", in which I work, asked me to talk to a woman an interesting fate of the great achievements of socialism, true equality of women with men. The term was given an extremely short. There was no doubt: it is only necessary to converse with her. First, fate did not find interesting. Second, "our windows look at each other in the evening and day."

And here I am at her home. On the walls of the cabinet, frigates, corvettes, clippers, a solid fleet of sailing. On the shelves of the book autographed by the authors and their own, according to various ship management, written by himself and co-authored. From a window overlooking the Golden Horn: Blue Wave, snow-white ships, moored to the docks. And on the other side of the Amur Bay. The house on the peninsula Egersheld, crashing into the waters of the Gulf of Peter the Great, long, slightly curved tongue. Such a feeling we are not in the apartment, and in the captain's cabin on the ship. Anna Ivanovna had just returned from the theater where she performed in front of the film, explaining the young pioneers of what courage and heroism. Today, the captain Anna Ivanovna black shape with gold stripes on the sleeves. Whiteness blouse sets off a matte tan face. It seems, not descended from him are still lasting tan, "produced" in the sun all latitudes, including the roaring forties. Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Western Europe, on which only the continents

not visited landlady number five.

On the table the letter. A huge number of letters. Envelopes on the window sill, book shelves.

- Little girls are asked to help train for the captain? She easily captures the kindly irony in my words and sharply minted in response:

- It happens. But more often than mothers of little girls are asked to help get an apartment or a place in kindergarten.

- And you are always able to help?

- Alas, I'm not a magician. We must build more.

Yes, housing is difficult in the Far East. And it is in the developing edge, or, as is fashionable now to say, a region where so willingly and interest in people and go where they go back because of the lack of square meters, although this is very necessary. The reasons for return migration are many, but this is one of the most important.

Leonid Brezhnev, when he came to Vladivostok, detailed interest in these issues. And I'm sure: a lot has to change. Here is her approach to business. Her style and handwriting. Do not smooth the edges. Do not depreciate. This is Anna Ivanovna Shchetinin, captain. Hero of Socialist Labor. And if there is, in the sea, paving the course of his vessel, it is plotted on the chart a course map, sensitively capturing marine hazards on land, she prefers to go in a straight line, organically enduring zigzags. Compromises and workarounds, not its elements. If someone is offended, bypassed, immediately stand up for. If someone does not do so, say so in the eyes or at a party meeting. Even if her voice is unique. Such Shchetinina.

Childhood. The station is near Vladivostok with the smell of salty sea winds called Ocean. The sea at his feet. The sea always. The sea-provider and friend. The sea in the games. How can I live without the sea?

Adolescence. I placed the envelope in the mailbox with the address of "Vladivostok Water College of Communications," and with a sinking heart, as if at stake is life itself, was waiting for a response. Invited to appear in person. Not in order to meet with applause. Personally, to look at the eccentric. The chief was attentive and even curious. Asking: "Why is the sea? You are still young and can not imagine all the difficulties and dangers of the sea. I wonder? But in life you can find an interest in the other. Romantic? Romance will fly off like gilt, at the very first encounters with life. " Not discouraged. Warned. Insisted, and got the right ... pass three of the commission. The worst was medical. I was afraid of hearing and vision. Trained with the help of his brother: listening to the ticking clock and read the published book line. Chairman of the Commission was not inclined to be touched. He spoke directly and sharply: "The fact that women go to work in all sectors of the economy is good, it is necessary. But the sea can not be you. It does not like jokes. It has its own laws, its own special conditions. He was not an overload for women. " And he was ruthless candor, making her blush, she went on to explain that he expects the woman to the sea. "And get caught in the old boatswain, he quickly teach you the rules of good manners."

Found the strength to listen, said: "I know. If no other reason except that I'm a woman, not take. " Adopted. After successfully passed the exams, of course. At one place there were four. Three, teased, "Seaman in a skirt," she had to give way.

Youth. In the college looking askance. Approved in assisted living knowledge. Astronomer, "admired" only after he heard the answer is not just about software constellations, but also about those who "do not pass."

Shchetinin Anna Ivanovna Did not give myself any breaks. How it all. Earning their daily bread, working nights at the port. Loaded on the steamer bags. Went on a circle, clasping teeth of self-esteem and fatigue: had to carry on his shoulders but thirty or forty pounds. The amount received was enough to survive for five days. Practice. Bosun got exactly what predicted the chairman of the commission at the college. He gave the dirty work. There are no breaks. She did everything that was ordered, overcoming bouts of seasickness.

Way up: Deck student, sailor, third, second, senior assistant captain. Four years in office at the court of joint-stock company of Kamchatka. The mass of all kinds of thrills, from taming unruly sails on the schooner fishery protection "Bryukhanov" and fire on the ship "Okhotsk". Storms, ordinary, like day and night. Light compensation for their experiences in the form of tropical nights, graceful palm trees, flying fish, St. Elmo's fires ... Banana-lemon Singapore Malay Bazaar and park birds. But most importantly: practice, gaining experience, developing his style, the happiness of communion with the captains, who were then known, and which became famous as its maturity, - Alekseev, Gotha, Chebotnyaginym ... Technical school mate Boris was Svitych brother of writer Alexander Fadeyev, a relative of Vsevolod Sibirtseva, burned by the Japanese in the locomotive firebox with the legendary Sergei Lazo ...

In the spring holidays spent thirty-fifth in Moscow. Planned to see the new plays at theaters Vakhtangov and Meyerhold, exhibitions and run on a ticket to leave the pocket to the south, but instead received the coveted holiday dress for work! But what! The appointment was stunning: the captain of the ship, bought by the Soviet government in Germany. And now the Elbe, Hamburg, the ship "Hohenfels," the company "Hansa," which was to rise after serpastogo and become Kamchatka molotkastogo flag vessel "Chinook." Naturally, it made a trip abroad, a sensation. Soviet Woman, Captain! Avoids loud phrases, very discreetly referring to his own person, and coming to despair of the annoying attention of journalists, perhaps for the first time in her life, being here and abroad, has realized his difficult mission for the first time felt the pride of the fairest in the world of power.

On streets of Hamburg stupid heels pounded ground attack aircraft, the rumble of beer mugs on the table with foam, swaying in the dark sky with swastika flags and white on a small island on an equal area of the Soviet Union was flying national flag of the Soviet Union and on the bridge reigned twenty-seven charming Russian woman. Its popularity has overtaken the ship, and the English club in Singapore were many ladies and gentlemen, to look at the captain Anna. And in the respectful astonishment whisper behind her she could discern a general sense: as something they expect to see at least a brown bear from Siberian forests.

After becoming the first man on the ship, the commander, who governs all, it did little to ease the life of the sea. Of course, now it preferable to say than ever before during practice. But forcing yourself to respect, she could not bring the sea to soften his harsh temper. And now because of it depended the fate of the ship and the lives of dozens of people. And the sea, as if experiencing an unusual special master of the castle, brought down his attacks on her as soon as it enters into a new position.

During the transition ship from Hamburg to Odessa "Chinook" fell into a continuous strip of lingering fog. Each of us, of course, had once in my life, waking up in the dark, find a way out of the room. An eerie feeling. But for the loss of orientation in the cabin to pay only bruises and bumps. And if you lose a landmark ship? .. Do not forget that the navigational equipment of ships in those days was not as rich as it is now, when lost, a problem: so many duplicate devices.

In service with the current skippers gyrocompass, radio direction finders, radar, and then there were only a magnetic compass, lag with turntable, security cable to the towed astern, but lots of mechanical and manual.

"Chinook" was literally at the touch of the North Sea, laced with vessels, shoals and currents, breaking the stem dense fog canvas. Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea Shchetinin accustomed to swimming in the fog, but get used to the tricks of Europe was difficult. Continuously, with short intervals, deep voice sounded ship's whistle. Afraid not hear a response signal, all on board escaped the noise. All watches are free from going on the nose and to hurt the eyes looking forward, not to miss the rapidly piled black spot. Sailed past mnogopalubnye passenger liners, fishing boats slipped lungs, and it was long, long time. Dover has brightened a bit, but the exact location of the vessel could not be determined. So passed the English Channel, Bay of Biscay. All these days did not remove his coat. Fatal wanted to sleep. Almost every state of continuous anxiety, and I had to hide him from the team. I really wanted to ... storm. To pounced and tore the veil of this sticky.

And how many mists in her life!

Storm. Remember how she wanted to, so he came and drove away the fog? In November of that year, "King Salmon" came out of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky with a cargo for the fishermen. It was perfect weather with exceptional visibility, which fall in these latitudes, a sure sign of an impending storm. The barometer was falling rapidly. Broke wind. Grew huge waves. Increased pitching. The screw flew out of the water and spun in vain, finding no support. The vessel has ceased to obey the helm, and the wind carried him to shore.

Abandoned lot. The depth of the rapidly decreasing-60 ... 50 ... 45 meters. Took the water in the rear outboard hold. But wind and wave intensified. 40 ... 35 ... Already somewhere close was invisible in the blizzard island Utashud. Carried on it. Realizing that the anchor in such conditions is useless, nevertheless prepared the anchor. But give them Shchetinina hesitated. Saw: the pressure has stabilized. But wind and waves did not decrease, and it seemed that the ship is about to hit the coastal rocks. And suddenly the wind died down. Now you can turn around and go against the wave of the course to the sea. Twenty minutes went quiet, and every moment of this unexpected time-out vessel was removed from danger. And suddenly the wind blew with hurricane force from the opposite side. Once again, the ship lost control. But now it is carried from the shore. Neptune can be generous.

And how many storms in her life!

Stefan Zweig wrote: "No artist is an artist from day to day, twenty-four hours a day, all true and lasting that it can not create, it creates only a few and rare moments of inspiration ... But ... if you pierce finest hour, it determines the succeeding years and centuries, and then, as a lightning rod on the tip collects all of atmospheric electricity, the shortest period of time contains a myriad of events. "

Zweig called these moments stellar clock of humanity. So called because they shine like the stars forever.

There is a biography of Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina a stellar moment ... In December 1943 the steamer "Jean Jaures", under the command of Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina rendered assistance in the Bering Sea steamer "Valery Chkalov", which burst the deck, and then it broke in two. In difficult conditions, stormy sea with a second shot linemeta rescuers managed to make an end to the ongoing tug afloat aft "Valery Chkalov." When all the remains to the back of his Captain Alexander F. Shantsberg Shchetinina respectfully said, "You and Kitty Pope, but rapotal Karash!" And this time it certainly was not offended for "woman." Salvation was sixty-five years.

And in the next flight got in trouble, "Jean Jaures". It happened in the Gulf of Alaska, where the nearest to Akutan Bay had 500 miles. During a heavy storm broke the ship Shchetinina same deck. Like a gun banged and watch from the bridge I saw a crack, a little does not extends to the left side. The wide gap "breathing", and it seemed that the next impulse wave break the vessel. All was still fresh in the memory of the accident, "Valery Chkalov." But he was in ballast, and "Jean Jaures", with a cargo of flour. It was important to chart a course in such a way as to avoid pitching. In the cyclone, when the waves are attacking the ship from all sides, make it difficult. But the captain Anna began maneuvers. I had to lie almost in the opposite direction. But the waves beat into the side of the damaged vessel, and it has taken on the deck of tons of water.

There was a long, exhausting struggle with the elements. The distress signal the captain decided not to give. Center of the cyclone has passed, the weather could not have been worse, aid, real and near, was available from, and managed to crack, as they say, localize, drilling a hole at its ends. When three days later the ship came to Akutanu and commander of the military allowed the boats to go on, captain, "Jean Jaures" suggested an American to climb onto the deck of his barely alive "liner."

The commander of the boat grabbed his head ... Immediately put the vessel to the pier. Unloaded part of the meal. Summoned from Port Harbor Datch floating workshop. Crack brewed and offered to return the ship to the U.S. for repairs, overloading the flour on the court, "Vladimir Mayakovsky" and "Kiev", which soon had to go, following the Strait to America. But the captain Shchetinina considered going for a return cargo ships invalid. Wartime forced with great rigor in seeking ways of efficiency. And right at the risk of becoming a way of life. "I reached with a crack in the storm to Akutan, I will go with the bread and hope to Petropavlovsk, hoping for good weather," the so-reasoned. And came. With the long-awaited meal. But at the very entrance to Avacha Bay boat again wounded severely ruffled the storm ...

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