Shehovtsov Alexey Mitrofanovich

Zhilovsky Victor D.

Anatoly A. Baranowski

Saulov Nicholas Korneyevich

Sikorskaya Galina

Andrew I. Belko

Klimov Mikhail Trofimovich

Bamuratov Aslon

Kolzhanova Mubin Darakulovna

Baymagambetov Denbergen

Shakyarov Kudrat Abasali oglu

Baysobaeva Kulgaky

Koolmeyster Elvey Iohannesovna

Furnacemen with Magnitogorsk

Naumkin Vasily

Furnacemen Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant named after Lenin, Hero of Socialist Labor

Naumkin Vasily Blast furnace number 2 is five years older Naumkin. At nineteen, with a little when Basil, after graduating from a vocational school, came to Magnitogorsk, the age difference seemed to be particularly noticeable. And furnacemen aggravated case, affectionately referring to the furnace "old lady". "Well, old woman, they asked, stepping over to the shift, as today is your feeling? Not fail? "

But the name of a blast furnace and the defiant young, "Komsomolskaya". This name has been winning team, and lives in it one of the brightest pages of biographies of the plant. Industrial giant in the early days of socialist industry has become the heart of steel country ...

Make an excursion into the history of Magnitogorsk, then repeat the well-known. And then, as "we lived in a tent with a green window, washed by rain, sun dried, but burnt at the door of the golden fires on the red stones of the Magnetic Mountain" ... And then, as in the Great Patriotic War of the Magnitogorsk steel was cast by one-third shell fired at the enemy, in her armor was wearing a tank every second ... And then, as Magnitogorsk workers and engineers put in place steel units in the Indian cities of Bhilai and Bokaro, in Helwan, Egypt, Iran Isfahan ...

However, the Magnitogorsk-term dynamic, dialectical. Today, she is not what it was five, ten, fifteen years ago. Change the volume and nature of production, new forms and scope of socialist competition gets.

Every year more and more difficult Magnitogorsk "Bar", amounting to more than a tenth of national output of ferrous metals and has reached the beginning of the tenth five-year 11 million tons of pig iron and 15.5 million tons of steel. All the ends of the country is to turn around tractors and cars, locomotives and turbines, machines and refrigerators, pipes and metal structures, about twelve million tons of Magnitogorsk steel. Labour productivity blast furnace, steel makers and distributors of Magnitogorsk is now two times higher than the industry average, and the cost of production - the lowest in the country.

"High rates of capacity utilization has made the collective of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine," - said in his speech at the October (1976) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee General Secretary of the Central Committee of our Party, Comrade LI Brezhnev. In these words, the estimation of the most important, on what was sent to search for creative, inspiration and skill of the workers of fire profession, summarizes the extensive organizational and political work of the famous eight thousandth of the Party organization of the enterprise.

Is it all related to the senior furnacemen second blast furnace Vasily Dmitrievich Naumkin? The most direct. For now more than twenty years, he has a direct participant in all-important cases, have worked for at the Magnitogorsk. No wonder on his chest broke out recently, the star of Hero of Socialist Labor for outstanding achievements in the implementation of socialist commitments to increase production, improve quality and increase productivity. This can easily add, and for the entire working life.

- To download all of the work of open-hearth furnaces of the country, it is necessary to increase the production of pig iron per million tons, said plant director Dmitry Galkin Prokhorovich, returning from the XXV Congress partii.-From the beginning, the country owed the blast furnace has 220,000 tons of metal. Do not cope well with the plan of small plants. Cast iron is now urgently needed. Let's see, comrades, that you can do to increase its production at our plant. What you need, claims to subcontractors?

This conversation took place in the party bureau blast furnace before the work shift. Furnacemen, machinists, gasman, plumbers hotly debated challenges facing the department staff in the light of the XXV Congress of the CPSU.

- The claim we have one, Dmitry Prokhorovich, Naumkin, addressed to the director of the plant. - Bring us railroaders. You can imagine, when the iron in the oven is ready, but there is no bucket, and pour it nowhere, you feel as though you are sitting on a barrel of gunpowder: all waiting for, because I do not know how to behave in the oven. We need to think how interesting transport in our work ...

A few minutes later Vasily Naumkin was already on his second home furnace and spoke the traditional words: "Guys, we have to work!"

- We have to work even better, he explained to his comrades, 'because the country is waiting for us to metal. For us it is important to prepare and carry out qualitative reconstruction of the oven, try to follow the schedule, but only then-work! The furnace will be greater than the volume of nearly 200 "Cube", will be second-iron yard every day will give out 600 tons of metal more than now.

And the team knew of his "older", excited speech reached the heart of every worker. It just so happened. Naumkin trust, it is really respected. Because he knows how to subtly influence the team by example. The behavior in the work in respect of the people. This example sets up the rest unintentionally on the same relationship. And thrown in the end, the general atmosphere of partnership working. Demanding of others, Naumkin especially picky about yourself. In 39 years, he graduated from college. Altogether, he studied first at the school for working youth, then in the evening school-masters and college about 10 years. He studied because, looking at tomorrow, realized that modern manufacturing requires trained specialists. And because he knew that to him in the team are equal. "How can I ask a subordinate, which will give him advice if he, ignorant and lazy?" It is this insistence to his respected people in it.

Senior furnacemen also has another quality-humanity. Anyone who falls into the first team, feels for his attention and care.

Maybe it's the grain of good faith and in the best in man planted in the soul of the former master craftsman Vasey Naumkin apprenticeship Khafizov and B.? Hard to say, but he still remembers those early years, and proudly says to himself: "I am a craftsman." And, perhaps, why Vasily relates to current graduates of vocational schools with a special, paternal warmth. And those, in turn, are drawn to his mentor.

Furnacemen Vladimir and Yuri Piksaev Trushkov, having become acquainted with Vasily Dmitrievich Naumkin during the manufacturing practices GPTU, even then definitely decided to go to work for him in the team. And did it. Returning from the army, asked to the third brigade of the second furnace.

- Well, you take the young people?-Asked Naumkin master.-Only bear in mind that your "old men" will translate to other ovens.

"Well, Skorokhodova Volodya Volodya and his namesake Kurnosov's time to raise - Senior furnacemen pondering the answer, is not today or tomorrow they will still go ..."

- I picked up!

Jura and Volodya, "joined" the team quickly. Initiated a competition for the best gift of the XXV Congress, the team second furnace worked hard in those days. This prompted the high socialist obligations. Second blast furnace stoves "sights" on the 7100 tonnes of above-plan metal! Was melted on the day of the congress more than 7,500 tons. Although the initiators of the competition ahead of their counterparts from the eight blast furnaces, the victory was total. During 25 weeks of employment impact of Magnitogorsk metallurgists have made thousands and tens of thousands of tons of above-plan cast iron, steel, rolled ... "

Public-spirited in Naumkin awoke early, at a time when, having left his parents' home in the Bashkir village Zigaza, he and his friends came to the well-known newspapers in Magnitogorsk. In the apprenticeship Vasily much interested in sports, doing weightlifting. Then-shop. Komsomol youth group. He was elected to Komsomol brigades. In the 62-year Naumkin Basil joined the Communist Party. At that time he was deputy of the City Council.

High confidence in his comrades had.

And Naumkin to social work, as well as every other treated with the utmost diligence. People came to him with their troubles, and Naumkin tried to help them. Sometimes it is not possible, and then someone else's pain lay a bitter residue in his soul.

But even in those moments people feel Naumkin in person, truly interested in their affairs. That is why the City Council he was elected five consecutive legislatures, and in 1971 he became a member of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. Responsibility was higher added worries. Basically Naumkin had to deal with issues of distribution of living space. I remember such a case. I came to accept a woman, an employee third sheet rolling shop with a complaint: it was on the list for an apartment of the eighties, and when the next distribution of its "pushed back".

Naumkin Vasily Well, we need to understand. Naumkin and went into the shop. We met him there well, and when understood, it appears that the woman was right. Error corrected. And soon, the employee came to the Naumkin with gratitude: "Thank you, got an apartment, come to the housewarming."

This case seemed to be forgotten, when suddenly some time later came to the reception to the deputy, another employee of sheet rolling shop ¹ 3. And again with the same complaint. Again Naumkin went to the shop again, seriously and carefully dig up the details. But this time, came to the conclusion that the complaint is unfounded. Women often changed jobs and, of course, tsehkom union refused her request to allocate housing. Work in the blast furnace shop, tough deputy care studies at the college, the duties of the Regional Party Committee, raising sons ... All this has combined to Vasily Dmitrievich Naumkin. He does not complain. On the contrary. More time to read the newspapers and see the technical and literary journals.

- I do not understand people who restrict their lives a closed circle, he said one day-work-home ... That they give to others that will leave behind? ... Live your life like that, like sand through his fingers, afraid to miss ...

And he was in a hurry-hurry to live more in time, learn more, do it.

Not only concerned with raising his own sons Vasily Dmitrievich Naumkin. For several years his senior patron of the brigade, the graduating classes of the 56th school. Frequent meetings to classroom hours, Komsomol meetings, tours of the entire plant conversions, travel outside the city became friends blast furnace and students. And for the guys always welcome and interesting to talk to the senior furnacemen second furnace Vasily Naumkin. Of course! Hear stories from him about the celebration in Moscow of the 50th anniversary of the USSR, the meetings with Fidel Castro, with the leaders of our country, consider this ticket in the Kremlin Palace, souvenirs! With such an interesting person must meet not every day. The news of conferring the title of Hero of Socialist Labor Naumkin stunned. Right at the time of the shift, half of the ninth evening, the telephone rang hollow voice director of the plant: "Congratulations, Vasily!" The news quickly spread through the team. Happy faces, hugs, handshakes for the merged Naumkin into one. Fired the thought: "Why me?"

- Look, Bob, not conceited, 'someone shouted.

And all together laughed. Because they knew that no such Naumkin people to become conceited. Life has repeatedly shown that the fame and high office made him only more active, energetic. Two days later, tense with excitement and incessant phone calls, he said:

- Only a tiny particle of this title take at his own expense. In fact, I provided such an honor, merit of the Magnitogorsk blast furnace, the whole collective enterprise. ... A recent event can be considered as a repetition of the feat. Blast furnace number 2, the famous "Komsomolskaya", built in record time in 1931-1932, and smelt since more than 25 million tons of pig iron has been completely redone in 59 days 16 hours. There has been essentially a rebirth oven. From the former there is nothing left except the foundation. And the restructuring was accomplished in an incredibly difficult circumstances. In the tiny space between aggregates could not choose a site for the construction of a new blast furnace next to the old, then to move it to a permanent place. The individual nodes of a huge, weighing 6600 tonnes, the unit had to be installed and tested outside of the building. Even in more favorable conditions for the replacement of such furnaces requires at least three months. It also solved the problem still further: the volume of blast furnaces increased by two hundred cubic meters, was added the second iron notch cast and a second courtyard, provide for other technical innovations.

You can describe in detail the "stuffing" of this gigantic machine, hidden under a thick cover. Hundreds of kinds of instruments, fifty kilometers of steel pipes, which would be enough to circle the circumference of the city of Magnitogorsk ... And before all of this mount, test, debug, it was necessary to dismantle the old blast furnace. According to the dismantling of a network schedule was given to twelve days, but unexpected difficulties have taken away a few days ...

And yet, a new blast furnace alive as scheduled. November 26, 1976, it issued a first iron that after a complete renovation to increase its smelting at 330,000 tons annually. Remember the good word today in the Magnitogorsk workers of the institute "Stalproekt" and its design and engineering department. They gave a solidly technical documentation and promptly removed the discrepancies arise. Builders and installers have joined forces. Railwaymen combine both provide smooth operation of the existing furnace, removal of goods from the site and clear delivery of materials for mounting. So today, with extraordinary force appeared a long line Magnitogorsk, storing and developing the heroic traditions of their fathers. But today, for their enthusiasm added scientific organization of labor, excellent equipment, increasing their professional skills. Yet Naumkin little sorry to part with the stove-veteran. It just says so, that the Magnitogorsk metallurgical increasing production of iron and steel in the same production capacity, the same blast furnaces and open-hearth. And if you look, it is not the same. Increased production of the metal is due to more efficient use of capital assets, modernization of existing units, the introduction of new machinery, equipment and advanced technological processes. In other words, at the expense of creativity.

It is not the same remains famous "Komsomolskaya", where twenty years ago, began his journey to the heights of the domain business Vasily Naumkin. There is a chain reaction of creativity when one innovation leads to another, next to the achievement of technical thought is difficult to get on yesterday's methods and technology, the old style. Innovations in solving specific problems in certain areas, gradually accumulating, give a qualitative change throughout the process, changing the nature and conditions of labor itself. Today, for example, blast furnace just wondering how you could not open the iron notch burkombayna or without elektropushki to close it, with or without knee-rotating crane to remove scrap, whether or not to fill the ditch with clay rammers. It would seem that a dry list of industrial affairs, the language of terms ... How applauded Hall of the Kremlin Palace, when the director of the plant, Dmitry Galkin Prokhorovich XXV Congress of the Communist Party reported the results of the Magnitogorsk metallurgists. During one five-year power plant has added a whole company or, in other words, "saved" the country a large metallurgical plant.

"Competition is the work" - we often say, speaking of the labor movement of millions. At the Magnitogorsk Combine multiple supplement this formula: "Competition is the work of every day." Given that the metallurgical industry, the case continued, the word "every day" should be understood in its literal sense.

Updates made by the very latest technology reconstructed blast furnace provides a wide expanse of finding creative, innovative ideas. The present case are, and tradition: blast furnace were the initiators of the competition for the acceleration of technological progress, gave rise to all-union competition of metallurgists in the field. Today, the workers of the blast furnace shop have higher levels: to meet half-century anniversary gift Magnitogorsk significant employment increase, the average annual production of pig iron by 1 million tons.

There is no doubt that this commitment will be fulfilled. Earnest to-high skill Magnitogorsk. Such as senior furnacemen Vasily Naumkin.

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