Shehovtsov Alexey Mitrofanovich

Zhilovsky Victor D.

Anatoly A. Baranowski

Saulov Nicholas Korneyevich

Sikorskaya Galina

Andrew I. Belko

Klimov Mikhail Trofimovich

Bamuratov Aslon

Kolzhanova Mubin Darakulovna

Baymagambetov Denbergen

Shakyarov Kudrat Abasali oglu

Baysobaeva Kulgaky

Koolmeyster Elvey Iohannesovna


Kolzhanova Mubin Darakulovna

Alma-Ata furrier fur factory named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor

Kolzhanova Mubin Darakulovna Close ... in a tight roll mat, carefully packed dishes, tied knots with clothes. The rooms are cozy and habitable, he suddenly lost a familiar face, have become like a strange and uncomfortable. But the inconvenience is not annoying, it has its own special charm. After all, it's Eve, housewarming. There will be a matter of days, and stamped his steps are fun movers, creak, hard turning stagnant closets, and the old apartment will be completely alien.

It would seem to part with it should be no regret. In the new house a lot more space and facilities, and work from there to go much closer. A housewife is still sad. As if she leaves this part of her soul ...

She remembers how it was with joy when moved here from the cramped, uncomfortable communal apartment. How many special events noted in these walls, its government awards, daughter's wedding, the birth of his grandson ... Of course, the new place will be a lot of good changes. But in tomorrow to look hard, but the past is always in memory.

Memory. It absorbed a lot of facts and names, big and small impressions. If you lived half a century, and any of the days gone by was full of things to the limit, it is very difficult to immediately identify something important, the most striking. And it is not immediately comes to mind that today's recognition of people, domestic well-being, a sense of usefulness - in short, everything that is happiness, it is not in itself, and is composed of those days-that's building blocks. Neither turned out to be empty, superfluous.

Before the new home, like before a long journey, I want to sit down and think. Iterate mind long rosary of days, months and years, back to what has been recently and long ago. And remember Mubin Darakulovne Kolzhanovoy have something ...

TASTE OF BREAD. Her ancestors were nomads. Roamed the boundless steppes of the Caspian, worked all his life on the bais, herded flocks of strangers.

In poverty-stricken tent Darakul Abugaliev born in a poor tent, and his daughter was born. However, an illiterate laborer believed that the fate of the children will be much happier than his own, is not the mind, heart, feel the closeness of great change. A hot wind woke October Kazakh steppes, and powerfully in the lives of the poor included a new, impossible before. Pastoralists became tillers of the soil, together in a commune. Contrary to age-old traditions, in spite of difficulties ...

Darakul entered into one of the first farm. His family settled in the village with an unusual name is the first-name Chizha wore flowing river nearby. Artel was a small, but international, in the village where there were hundreds of yards, lived Kazakhs, Russian, Tatar. They lived together, and in every home it sounded raznoyazykaya.

The first childhood impressions Mubin joyless. Hungry days, the death of two young brothers ... In the early thirties, when the country is only making its first steps to the heights of the industry, had to abruptly limit the urgent needs in the name of a great future. But gradually the kolkhoz "Red Ural" stronger, weightier became a workday, and a modest wealth became more confident to enter the houses of the village. Children learn, dream. Energetic, intelligent Mubin, which listened to the voice-urchins, even the boys, determined to discover that become a teacher. She liked to control the crowd of childish. Imagination is often pictured tempting picture: here it is in the class, here comes the streets of the village, and the gray-bearded elders respectfully greet her ...

What can prevent this beautiful dream?

Interrupted by the war. Went to the front and the older brother of Ada in the spring of 1942 laid her head on the fields of Ukraine. Father of the army did not take, but he had to leave the house: the Ural factories working hands were much more important than the farm. And in the place of men to the helm of the wheel of the tractor and combine them to become his wife and daughter.

Fifteen-year member of the Komsomol Mubin Abugalieva become a tractor driver. In the winter went on the course, and stood before the planting short-and non-rigorous examination in the field. An old "Universal", such can be seen today only in photographs that show the dawn of collectivization, had visited many hands and do not really listen to the girl. Stall the engine in the middle of the strip, and even cry with impotent rage ... The team was small. Just five tractors, each served by two machine operators. Mubin companion chose a contemporary of Nicholas Tyuklina, the son of the foreman. She wanted to prove to myself that it could work better than a single guy in the brigade. Accepting change, primarily interested in the elaboration of Nicholas and tried at least a half a hectare, but to surpass its performance.

Then talk about the competition had been no war-time. Every farmer knew that the work should be at the limit of forces and capabilities. But she later recalled several times, with pain and aching tenderness-haired boy, who first planted it in the light of labor per contest. Not long they had a chance to plow and sow together. First, the father of Nicholas, and then himself drafted into the army. They both died at the front. Instead, the foreman Tyuklina manage a team of women, she became a machine, Mubin Abugalieva.

- Even though I called the foreman, and worked as everything behind the wheel, 'says Mubin Darakulovna.-care only increased. Break a tractor on the strip, take, or failed clutch piston, sitting on the horse, and you ride on horseback for tens of kilometers, to replace the parts in the MTS. Then the machine is not very reliable were more of them patched, what worked for them.

At home she almost did not appear: in the seed followed by harvesting of fodder, and then the harvest began, and then plowing plowed fields. And all the winter dragged on repairs. MTS was forty miles from the First Chizhi, and not every week, could see his family. And, of course, was not up to the entertainment.

They say that the nature of foundations are laid in childhood. Mubin has brought the military to go. All my life has kept it from these bitter and exciting years of acquired skills. Forever has become a major feature of her nature, the desire to invest in the whole thing himself without reserve. First, this required a long time, then become a habit.

But when the ear began to Niva collective farm, where each team hectares sown crops gave Stopudoviy in her breasts were ringing, ecstatic with what incomparable feeling. It's her hands nurtured bread. And freshly baked loaf of just-ground flour tastes seemed the best delicacies in the world ... THE WAY TO THE TOP. The war ended. One by one, began to return to the village of veterans, proceed to peaceful work. In the tractor brigades were more men. And increasingly Mubin was thinking about what it is time to change professions.

Came about by accident. Relatives of the Alma-Ata and invited her brother to Maqsudi guests come, they say, look at the capital of the republic. In winter 1947 they went on a long journey. Mubin not think then, that soon will change the fate of its cool that she takes to the road, which does not turn more than ever.

Alma-Ata was struck by it. Even in winter, the city looked great. Infinite straight streets, which stretched along the rows of Lombardy poplars and oaks, the eternal snow on the peaks near the Ala-Tau, a beautiful building, friendly, hospitable people. That would be here to live and work, she told herself. And once shared this idea with the girls, same age, which met in the courtyard.

- I can give good advice, 'said one of the nih.-Come work for us, on a fur factory. Today saw the announcement: students are required furriers.

- Not be able to, I hesitated, Mubina.-I would probably be easier to plant. After all, the technique I know.

- If the tractor versed, then our profession to master. And it is very interesting. Come on, you will not regret!

Mubin thought and decided to see what the factory. It is not without timidity crossed the threshold of the entrance, after a modest village shops, to which she was accustomed to, the company seemed enormous. My friend had her workshops, explained how she could. In all eyes looked wonder-Mubin seemed to her multi-technology transformation of dirty, with matted hair dressed in a sheepskin fur.

Kolzhanova Mubin Darakulovna Shop where she had to work, like right away. Clean, comfortable, each in its place. Produced here fur collars and caps, was cut out for children's skin and women's coats. The girl remembered a tractor brigade, and could not help smiling, what a huge difference! This work compared to the difficulty of machine-toy. Sitting in the warmth, operate without congestion is also a pleasure ...

But when she looked closely at a little more closely, I realized that the haste to conclusions. Not so easy to instantly see at a glance evaluate the skin, stretch it, and then cut the quick and precise movements to cut was extremely economical, with minimal waste. However, all that she could not immediately comprehend the mind-only intuitively felt, what kind of experience which many years of honed skills lies behind every flick of the wrist furrier.

Mubin written statement, and it was a student in the furrier-tailoring shop. Upset when she learned what a modest amount it will pay for their studies. What should I do? She had no savings, all earned on the farm, left his mother. And learn to say, you need five or six months, faster, no one worked. Old master Sinitsyn, which it identified in the training school, said the girls dismay, began to question. She spoke candidly about everything-that support families can not count on the contrary, she must help them. Sinitsyn listened to:

- If you have enough patience, then before you manage to go to the production piece.

- I'm stubborn, 'said Mubin.

- That's fine. Then we will not waste time to lose. See how I'm doing and try to repeat every move ...

Mubin fingers, hardened from the earth and metal, listened to bad. Sharp as a razor-sharp knife does not want to move in the right direction, pattern slips, and supple skin is revolved in his hands, as if alive. It was especially difficult in the early days, when not successful, even the simplest operation. Mentally, she acted just like her mentor, but as soon as it came to practice ...

Could it be that her teachers have any special secrets that he does not want to disclose? Mubin has to look closely to other furriers. No, everything seems to work the same way. Why is she does not work?

- A trick we do have, 'she said Valya Teryaeva, one of the best raskroyschits shop. - Please note: my hands are acting by themselves, through the eyes do not follow them. Let your fingers more than the will and the work will go.

Many years later, Mubin Darakulovna not without surprise read about one of the heroines of the novel by Galina Nikolaeva's "Battle Road", a young worker Dasha, who, like herself, had come from the countryside to the big city and began working to develop a specialty. The girl also did not succeed at first, so helplessly confused naughty hands. And then she made the discovery for themselves - should have more trust in "palmately umnyatam" does not deter them. And so it was able to

Dasha first women soldiers to catch up shop ... "As if to say I!" Amazed-Mubin.

Help friends, his own stubbornness is not in vain. Just a month later she was already working on their own. Of course, the work was not always smooth, and the marriage of her case, and in skill inferior to many, but the hard work, surprising everyone in the shop, he took his own. Gradually developed a coveted automatism in his movements, which she sought, trained eye even learned to distinguish subtle defects skins. And on the little finger and ring finger, which she always held, with the stretching force, the product formed solid horny calluses ...

First, cutting out Mubin cheap skins, squirrel, rabbit. But then she began to trust and more responsible work. It was terrible the first time to take on sable-and suddenly it will spoil the valuable furs? However, all the fears proved groundless. And soon, she felt that she had the strength to any most difficult task.

One Mubin Abugalievu praised at the meeting. Then her name became more frequent.

In less than one year old from the date of receipt of Mubin to work when there was a great event for her. She was sent to Moscow for a meeting of Stakhanovite, foremost of light industry. Hearing this, she decided that there was an error, it confused with someone else. After the factory so many good professionals, many working drummers! But no, it was all true. Management of companies nominated Abugalievoy no accident-probably in the history of factory workers is not no way to quickly mastered the profession, did not rise so quickly to the heights of excellence.

From the capital of the girl came back happy and excited. At a modest jacket shone the icon "Excellence in socialist competition." So many wanted to tell her friends about the Moscow impressions of thoughts and feelings that overwhelmed her during the trip! Of course, it was interesting the first time to see the eyes of the Kremlin ruby stars, Mausoleum, Armory, go through the crowded streets and subway lines to overtake. But the main trail to the left heart is not it. Mubin knew all my heart, as it is necessary and important work, as valued in the Soviet Union, even the most modest and discreet work.

FOREVER LIVING FLAME. What a feat? Many believe that this is the highest rise of human courage, heroic act, which requires concentration of all spiritual forces associated with the risk to life. It is true, of course, but only partly. The original meaning of the word is entirely different. The feat was called heroic, so many years of human life, to set a high goal, and striving hard for her.

Deed want to call and working career Mubin Darakulovny. Almost thirty years she comes to the same job, day after day engaged in the same case. It would seem monotonous and boring, unremarkable work. What is it you see the heroic, no risk, no special lifting the senses, or even great physical effort. However, in the amount of their daily work is of particular importance. Quantity turns into quality-such is the law of dialectics.

Every day, she cut out dozens of skins. Each, its own peculiarities. It is necessary to immediately grasp the location of astrakhan curls, tints fur collar and put the future or a cap so that they are pleasing to the eye then. Subtle process is akin to the artist! Nobody counted how many hundreds of kilometers to the chain stretches products that have passed through the hands of Mubin Darakulovny. All she has done over the years his work is intended for people served and serves as a Beauty. And perhaps the most accurate to say that she was able to put a mechanism in the population of middle-largest city.

Perhaps it would be much easier if other than the manufacture, there were no other concerns. When Mubin worked on the tractor, it did not appear for weeks at home. Once mastered the profession of a furrier, no one paid attention to the fact that it was delayed after a change in the clock shop and watched as experienced masters. But then the situation changed drastically: there was her own family. And along with it new responsibilities, first wife and then mother.

She married a gay student Kolzhanova Agricultural Institute Baiul, who lived in the neighborhood. A year later a daughter was born they Sholpan. Behind her were born two daughters, Saul and Taksim. And finally, the long-awaited son Bekuly.

Let us digress. Imagine the situation more clearly: a young mother whose four children. The eldest child ten years younger, a newborn. The apartment was tiny, with no amenities. Grandparents in a house there. Who is the woman cast a reproach, if it is goodbye to your business, leave the job? Circumstances force, said in such cases. The children require care and attention, and her husband and home care needs. The conventional logic is inexorable ...

However, Mubin Darakulovna not left a fur factory, which has grown old factory. Children around the clock gave in nurseries and kindergartens, except holidays stipulated by law, no more did not take. It was only her own (and even my husband!) Know what great work is worth it.

Even if it worked, nothing standing out among the others, and thus deserving of admiration. But Kolzhanova not just worked. The title of best workers, it has made in his youth, and she carried through the years. Always in front, among the best, work only served to conscience, without marriage. "And what else?" She shrugged her shoulders, when someone from the outside, caught up in the shop, admired the dexterity of her hands and excellent quality of work. She has no idea occurred that it is possible at least to some small things assume negligence, a departure from the technology. And if sometimes happened bug, she was going through this blunder as a great personal distress.

Brigade, which employs Mubin Darakulovna, foreman R. S. Yuruntaeva calls "unique." Brigadier Galina Zabudsky-deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. In Manar Terekbaevoy-order "Badge of Honor." And almost all workers have the characters "Winner of Socialist Competition." Each, at any time come to the aid of her friend, in which something goes wrong. Mutual-full, that's why every team in the raskroyschitsa Zabudsky also owns dozens of related specialties. Therefore, the development of their highest.

Frankly, when I first became acquainted with the indicators Kolzhanovoy, there was doubt, a precise enough to calculate its replacement job? How many times had to first deal with the facts of this kind: work from month to month goes to the advanced workers just because the valuation in the shop is not up to par. As stated in a satirical poem, did not immediately make out "what if people are so high, that if the rate is so low."

But a careful introduction to the organization of labor has allowed the team to come to the conclusion that no job is no understatement at all. Standards for furriers are not "children", and in order to cope with them, requires not only considerable experience, skill, and constant diligence. Skilled worker average should work hard to block out the task by 10-15 percent. And if the day comes Kolzhanova abroad to 160-170 per cent, it is only through their hard work and amazing talent.

You can weave sandals and be an artist, but you can paint and be a craftsman, said Mikhail Kalinin. It all depends on attitude. Mubin Darakulovna in each product, in any technological operation is trying to put all their skills. Talent to be admired, be proud of. But it's still not available to everyone.

It should be emphasized, the rules in the shop did not remain unchanged. From time to time to reconsider. But Indicator Kolzhanovoy and most of her friends are not appreciably affect: skill, too, is growing. The team first Zabudsky the company has mastered the progressive method of molding, which allowed significantly raise productivity. Its essence is simple - moisturised skin stretched on a curve, thus acquiring the necessary form. Given that the first had to nail her dozens of studs, it is easy to understand how to claim the prize. However, a new method requires much more skill workers. But its something Mubin Darakulovne not take ...

Eighth Five-Year Plan Kolzhanova completed in three years and nine months, saving 2385 square decimeters of semi-finished fur-15 thousand rubles. The best results at the combine! Labour success was marked by a high:

Mubin Darakulovna received the Order of Lenin. When she handed over the award, she could hardly speak from emotion. But one phrase said loud and clear:

- You have my word that the new five-year plan will work even better!

She kept her promise. Completed another five-year job for three years, chalked up have 5230 square decimeters savings bellows: it is estimated that this amount was enough for 250 caps. They are sewn, you can say, "Nothing", because only a jeweler's precision movements, the minimum amount of waste make it possible to conserve a scarce and expensive fur.

- Do you think it was easy to fulfill the obligation? I did every day was beginning to think about it, Mubin Darakulovna.-recognized-hand how happy my heart was when she learned that fitted within the scheduled time! I'll say this: labor can only deliver the highest human happiness. Any, even the most modest job ...

HIGHER-NAGRADA. The fact that our Mubin Darakulovna became a Hero of Socialist Labor, I learned in Moscow, during the All-Union Conference Furriers, 'says the director of plant SK-Kurmanov. heard so many congratulations as if I myself was awarded. And when told about it Kolzhanovoy, she nodded, all right. She is not the one mentioned, the whole team. She herself without the constant support of his comrades would not have made. Therefore, its success must be considered common.

And it's true, based on personal achievements are foremost, as a rule, collective achievement. Winner of the competition can be easily compared with the apex of the pyramid - the result of his more noticeable than the more substantial support. That's why a story about any character of work would be incomplete if not ignore the environment that helped him to climb high.

Almaty Fur Works of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union for several years in a row is called among the best companies of the capital of Kazakhstan. And there was a time-and not so long ago, when the furriers soundly criticized. Especially for the production of obsolete models, poor quality finish, unattractive appearance of apparel and headwear. Of course, affected and objective reasons, low-grade raw materials, the persistent shortage of hardware, bad lining materials. However, much depended on the mill workers themselves: truly live competition for the honor of the brand name was not conducted.

The struggle for high quality performance, which began at the initiative of the party organization of the enterprise proved to be difficult and time-consuming. Hindered by various barriers in both the production and purely psychological: something is not working try to think about common problems to look beyond the operations performed. A concern for the quality factor, the product should begin with the first links of the technological chain.

When drastic changes are coming in, all hope and reliance on the vanguard. Such as Kolzhanova and her friends. They do not have long to expound the importance of transition from quantitative only, "gross" estimates to be more flexible and versatile, like to do every job site of impact of the struggle for quality.

- Our team first started working in the shop with a personal stamp, 'says Mubin Darakulovna.-At first, it won five workers the right, then everyone else. Frankly, the responsibility is much increased. After all, we have it, usually with a half-finished product is very expensive, the price of the finished product almost half the price of fur. Each of us knew how important it is to set a good example. And sure enough, there were dozens and then hundreds of followers. When all pitch in together, no burden does not seem severe.

Collective search for fashion designers, technologists, furriers, seamstresses brought the desired results. At a regular meeting of the Arts Council of the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR submitted Almaty citizens samples of hats and clothes were mostly excellent grades. Products with a Kazakh brand ceased to lie around on the shelves, they went like hot cakes. And later, plant products, and acquired an international reputation, it demonstrated at trade shows, festivals, fashion.

In 1970 Kolzhanova first time in my life, traveled abroad in the German Democratic Republic. At the Leipzig Fair is scrutinized with great interest the fur - dressed, extremely fine. And somewhere in the depths of the soul stirring feeling of disappointment: does her own company was not able to work just as well? She did not know then that will be quite some time and the desired products in the same trade fair will be celebrated with two gold medals. And it is not an accidental success, but the logical outcome of a long, hard work.

It's no secret, of course, that the exhibition models differ somewhat from those that come out of the gate every day business. They seem to be "pulled forward", a guide for future opportunities. And although the State Quality Mark are now 15 names of products combine (in the first year of a new five-year plan released them for more than 4 million rubles!), The overall proportion of products certified to the highest category, is not so great. So the struggle for quality and production efficiency to be serious.

When Mubin Darakulovna took socialist pledges for the tenth five-year, high-quality performance stands out. But she thought is not only about themselves. All that depends on it personally, of course, be done. However, her work-a pebble in a big mountain, a tree in the forest. And she would like to undo all the products were sturdy plant with no exceptions. Issued to them at the prize-winning exhibition designs, have learned to do such! Talk about it many times was carried out in the brigade. And it turned out that not all factors influencing the quality of the finished products are at the plant. Many of the filaments extend beyond it, to the suppliers of raw materials to allied enterprises. If so, you need something to work on those who interfere with furrier produce excellent products. And here in the pages of "Truth" appears a letter signed by GA Zabudsky and two female workers mill. They touched on very important issues related to improving the quality of work, expressed the sore. Address it received a good response, such as the Alma-Ata meat factory, the address of which were directed serious criticism has improved the entire procedure for determining the grade of hides sent for recycling. So the letter to the newspaper brought tangible benefits.

Mubin Darakulovna heartily congratulated her friend, a social activity can only envy. However, even at the very Kolzhanovoy range of interests far beyond the shop and the family. For many years it was elected deputy of the City or District Council, and to his duties, it is very conscientious. With its participation have been fulfilled, many electors in the district, was a new school room, the asphalt on the streets. Not all of these issues were resolved smoothly and quickly, had to plead, argue, persuade. But she especially values the appreciation of those who helped to get an apartment or have a child in kindergarten. If a person has suffered a lot of life's hardships, he will always be responsive and attentive to the suffering of others ...

- What are my future plans?-Asks-Mubin Darakulovna. The main objective of the tenth five-year period and completed in three years, and a private job three years, I decided to run for the 60th anniversary of Great October. I will continue to work and mentor. I'm prepared more than a dozen students, I try to give them everything they know and can do myself. And now, two teach. I hope that someday I, too, a kind word will remember, I remember now Sinitsyn, Teryaevu and all those who took over skill. It is after all, is the highest award - if you continue on a good memory, if you can keep your life in a good trail.

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