Shehovtsov Alexey Mitrofanovich

Zhilovsky Victor D.

Anatoly A. Baranowski

Saulov Nicholas Korneyevich

Sikorskaya Galina

Andrew I. Belko

Klimov Mikhail Trofimovich

Bamuratov Aslon

Kolzhanova Mubin Darakulovna

Baymagambetov Denbergen

Shakyarov Kudrat Abasali oglu

Baysobaeva Kulgaky

Koolmeyster Elvey Iohannesovna


Semin Dean Afanasyevna

Machinist rotary kiln cement plant Bryansk, Hero of Socialist Labor

Semin Dean Afanasyevna The first story about the driver rotary kiln cement plant Bryansk, Hero of Socialist Labor Dina Afanasyevna Semina I heard from the head of the department, also a Hero of Socialist Labor Nikolay Anatolyevich Yarchukova. They first met at work, as he now remembers, October 4, 1956. On that day, it is an experienced engineer, was transferred to work with the old, pre-war production of the 60-meter furnace with a new, at that time the most powerful, 150-meter. And they set the probation ... well, if not the girl, then at least to the same age, the 24-year-old Dina Miroshin, still unmarried, even!

Woman obzhigalschik powerful furnace was then almost unprecedented phenomenon. The work was considered severe. Roasting were not on the gas, and coal on the hammer. In the winter he regedit, lies in bunkers. The driver clutched his sledgehammer, breaking clods running ... Accounted for even tighter ignition furnace, after a stop. First bred in a large fire of logs. And when the building glowed, carbon powder was fed. He flashed a torch, started firing.

But first I had to put the cage made of logs. To do this required not only great strength but also the ability. Therefore, the work assigned to obzhigalschika. Well, the assistant had served in the oven logs. This is easier and simpler.

Here the case turned out special. And Dean and Nicholas, both machinists. But if it is delivered to an assistant and learn. So, to climb the cage to be spread and Dean? However, the woman is considered to give an easier job ... Yarchuk decided that the new-found mentor will offer him to change places. But she, as if nothing had happened, got into the furnace and shouted, "Come!" Oh, well. Alright. It was with great excitement to throw in the oven one log at a time. Tire out, as they say, the spirit out. I sat down to rest, believing that his companion had driven almost to death. And she pops out and yells, "Well, then sat down? Come on, come on! "

- In life, it surprised me then, 'admits Nicholas A.. - Whatever you say, and force in our business needs. Especially needed in previous years.

I looked at Dean Afanasyevna and perplexed about it, yes there are talking about. In front of me pretty, big-eyed, slender woman, a little vyshesrednego growth and certainly not "fathom slanting in the shoulders." How is it she could? Dean Afanasyevna chuckles:

- I already told you that it is very silnaya.-And he adds: Then the other was not. There was no turning!

The more acquainted with the life of this woman, the more surprised. Here are the facts. The beginning of the fifties. In implementing the program of post-war reconstruction of the national economy, the Party and Soviet government provide for rapid development of construction materials, mainly cement production. Emerging domestic cement machinery. A powerful and progressive at the time the 150-meter rotary kiln. They are equipped and restored and re-built factories. And on the very first such furnace at the Bryansk factory shlamovschitsey first, then an assistant, and finally becoming a machinist Dean Semin.

In 1957. Bryansk plant was one of the industry's first moves from coal to gas. Dean Afanasyevna faster and better adopters of this type of fuel. It requires skill, care and culture in the work, but it eliminates the heavy physical labor, especially in the ignition. In 1959. Soviet scientists are developing technology to produce the "cement of the future", this high-grade cement "600." The laboratory Bryansk factory actively participate in these studies. An entity charged with the first commercial release of a new batch of cement. Honorable task entrusted to the four most highly skilled machinists furnaces, "aces" firing-including Dean Semina.

The beginning of the sixties. In the cement industry in emerging movement, which played an important role in the rapid growth of labor productivity. Following Nicholas Yarchukovym at the controls of two 150-meter furnace rises Dean Semin.

In the Bryansk factory introduction of technical innovations that increased productivity of rotary kilns, associated with the name of Dina Afanasyevna Semina. All that appeared progressive in the industry, was first performed in Bryansk on its third and fourth furnaces. And then on the remaining units. But in the last transformation of plant construction and development of new plant, equipped with the most effective of the standard, 185-meter rotary kilns, Semin did not participate directly.

But to say that the biggest adjustment costs without it, too, is impossible.

The fact that the first 185-meter wave passed machinists that served up this furnace ¹ 7-Victor Fedorenko and G. Krupkin. Gone with joy. Of course, they relish the work on a new, more powerful unit, but in addition, they have left the furnace ¹ 7, the most difficult, the most capricious of all ten existing in the enterprise, as the rumor factory. It turned out that replacing them is not easy to find, no one wanted to go to the "seven". For a long time to persuade the foreman of several people, all flatly refused. And, finally, decided to appeal to Semina ...

- Dean Afanasyevna, wow someone on the seventh wave to go ...

- Well, if necessary, as we speak? I'll go.

One can not help think about it, why this woman happened to be in the midst of the most important event of the factory? Character? Destiny? Try to understand.

In 1942, Dean with her mother, Irina Semyonovna Nazis drove to work in Germany. They came back out of the ashes. The Nazis burned the guerrilla Borovkov (suburb Fokino) to the ground. Mother and daughter have sheltered families, settled themselves in the basement of the burned house.

My mother went to work to restore betonschitsey cement plant. Dean went to school: The war took away my childhood. She already knew what it means for two rotten potatoes a day for 12-14 hours bent back at the factory in the German camp guards make assault. So difficult post-war years at home she seemed at ease. Living on the mother's wages, they borrow a little money, could put a small house.

As Irina S. urged her not to leave school, to finish at least seventh grade ... But Dean went to the cement plant shlamovschitsey.

- Do not worry, Mom, Detailed profile! Be sure to quit the school and working. Now everyone is doing.

And it's true: while enrolled in school for working youth and to plant. Money was needed to get some sort of furniture, dress up. The first pay-day she ran in the cam bore and a courtyard, out of breath with joy, shouting: "Here's money, mamma!"

But rejoice not so much by money as to what she earned them.

Why go to the cement plant? Well, of course. Borovka all Fokino-not great center, but more recently, a working town.

Enterprises here and now not so much the more so in those days. But if there were a lot. Dean Miroshin still would go only to the cement.

First, because in the long Borovko center of all was the oldest in Russia, Bryansk Cement Plant. And it goes something Fokino got its name from the name of the working of the plant-Ignat Ivanovich Fokin, a revolutionary, first chairman of the Bryansk Council of Workers, Peasants 'and Soldiers' Deputies. Here, in Borovkov, boys and girls are aware from an early age that the sludge is very accurately compiled liquid raw material charge, clinker-fired semi-manufactures, the cornerstone of cement. Know the names of all the professions, and for them the furnace operator, or the old obzhigalschik, the most-respected man. And Dina worked at the factory by her grandfather, mother and many relatives. Name Miroshin was known among the Bryansk cement.

... And in the frosty autumn morning in 1949 she was from her Borovka, straight through the gardens, hastens to the cement plant. Thin pieces of ice fall from the sound of crack under her heels. And she seems like she is not walking on the garden beds, and on ... keys of some great piano. It is a strange comparison comes into her head, because the first few days at a cement plant, the most pleasant memories of his youth. It's an amazing feeling of fulfilled desire - the soul-singing preserved forever.

Dean Miroshin in 22 years (and even at times when women were not allowed to furnaces) could become a machinist. Many believe that she was just lucky, one after another at the plant had been built six 150-meter ovens and people needed.

Semin Dean Afanasyevna But the Dean's pivotal role in the fate of his work devotes a great teacher, Yakov Konstantinovich obzhigalschikam Gorbachev and Andrew Kuzmich Savonichevu. This is a remarkable work, thoroughly mastered the new technique, learned a lot Dean. Especially Gorbachev. We can say that with the advent of such workers, as he became a profession obzhigalschika quite different. And they were called machinists rotary kilns.

Jacob K. is not just handed the girl a blue glass in a wooden frame. Going along with it in the oven viewing window, he learned to distinguish between colors in a raging fire in the color of clinker, a spark of "white flies" harmful free-lime and blue haze, the witness incomplete burning. Taught to enjoy the bright, dust-free zone of sintering, to understand the shape, the direction of the torch.

All shlamovschitsy by checking with a stopwatch while filling the tank sludge control, went across the hall to report to the engineer the firing of the magnitude of aggregate supply with raw materials.

But only she did not go, and fled, and, as if spellbound, felt faint, when her driver was taken for the blue glass. She is one dared to ask at this moment:

- Uncle Yasha! What you see there, you understand? ..

However, this is a good Uncle Yasha, and after him, and stern in appearance Savonichev on its own initiative put in a good word for her to head of production Stakanovym, was advised to try to teach intelligent and diligent girl. But he just, as they say, took note of the statement did not promise. The decisive role played by her conversation with the head of department. Seeing something that no one is around, she stopped him with a question:

- Konstantin Emelianovich! You Gorbachev told me?

- He said. And he is not alone. Just where I will get it? Looking for great knowledge!

- Learned. I've heard, the courses will be? ..

- Will. Only there we take the kids to complete secondary education, vocational school graduates. And you have only a seven-year-?

- Catch up! Honestly, catch up! I never lie!

Glasses smiled. This he has already heard from people.

- Okay, agreed. But on one condition: no discount. Fall behind ...

- Never! That's my word! You'll see. Thank you!

The days flew at a gallop, though decreased by half day, Dina felt she delivers endless exams. In its zeal to both the instructor asked how many thermal zones in the furnace, in which the temperature of what is happening in each. A master of Dorofeev worked with her later. At home it was waiting for cramming chemistry, physics, mathematics ...

Exams to be the driver on the stove she passed the "excellent". Deputy Chairman of the factory committee, normirovschitsa roasting plant Leontievna Boriskova Pauline, who has worked here a quarter century, says:

- These exams are the first group of plant grown on certified drivers were particularly solemn and stern. Two guys are confused, do not pass. And Dina the best answer! Assistant engineer, she worked during his studies. A year later, she entrusted the oven.

Rapid comprehension skills ... It's not only in perseverance. Employees shop, and all who know Dean, believe that the important role played by high culture here in the Semina, its accuracy. Like, at home Dina Afanasyevna perfect purity, all shiny. Also on the furnaces. And here is the purity of the operational reliability of devices, the principal assistant engineer.

- And the fact that she is a woman, it turned out, did not interfere with the driver. Even as a female character in handy here! A male driver once look at the instruments once look into the oven, and a Dean-twenty times! They say she is looking at the furnace, as a living, refers to it, if you will, with affection, even regret it! Such care is very important in the work. For example, during the firing of clinker for cement lasting high-grade "600" charge is sintered at a very narrow temperature range. Slightly less temperature-nedopal, "mustard". A little higher, "welding", also married, but in addition, burned lining. Bake a brick-like sail on a ship on a narrow winding channel rapids. That and look utkneshsya one of the coasts, in the "mustard" or "welding".

But the same care in order to cater for the furnace is small. But Dean, supporting the initiative that originated in the industry, rose for the two furnaces. It took a skillful, calibrated to the minute organization of work. Dean Semin was one of the first who knows it.

It seemed natural that the driver, checking the condition of a furnace, immediately hurries to the second. On the division of any good. Performance of both units are lost in the memory of the driver.

Otherwise come Semin. Having to replace, making sure the equipment in good repair, requesting information about the chemical laboratory, mineralogical composition of raw material, its moisture content, it is (if required) amend the operation of a single unit and then calculates how long will come significant changes . That's how much time it allows itself to be spent on the inspection, adjustment of the second unit. Furnace is relatively long, the material in them moving around 4:00. And if you do not fuss, would be enough time. But, of course, every minute to remember what is material that comes with it in every area of heating, keep an eye on instruments but glances in the oven.

- When Dean Afanasyevna works, though timing was exemplary - says normirovschitsa Boriskova. - In a word - the hostess!

His personal mission is fulfilled the Ninth Five-December 15, 1975, burned over the plan about five thousand tons of high quality clinker, saved 794,000 cubic meters of natural gas in the amount of 16,800 rubles.

In the tenth five-year rates have increased. Only the first half of 1977 with a team of Dean Afanasyevna received from the two furnaces 182,500 tons of cement material - in 2000 more than a job. At the same time on each ton of savings of more than two kilograms of fuel. On these high rates of Semina, I knew before coming to the plant. I knew she was one of the industry's first won the title of "Drummer of communist labor." And that's why it almost all the company more often than not called by name and surname, and "mistress", could not doznatsya. 'To our hostess here? ", Asked me in the factory, when they heard that I was interested Semina. Homeland Galina, who has worked at the plant almost two decades, and recently taken Semina assistant engineer, turned to her for me:

- The hostess! I will go for the broom sage mangled.

- Why the "mistress"? I do not know all that name. The article about her was in the original paper: "The mistress of all the furnaces." Just because her name was even earlier.

Boriskova makes the assumption that the late James Gorbachev, leaving behind a furnace at a young Dinah told her: "Be a mistress" - can be a long and caught on?

Party secretary of association, Nina Andreyevna Kravchuk smile says:

- What does it matter when and who said the first? About the other, and would say yes will not stick. A to Semina, just come. The hostess she is! Hostess is: at home and at work, everywhere!

The fact that Dean Afanasyevna high-modeled hostess, I am convinced, after visiting her at a party. When we are together with the Kravchuk and Boriskovoy "raided" in a spacious, high and bright front room was already a few people. "All your", we were told. They were relatives of Semin. It turns out that the owners of pigs slaughtered in the morning. They invited relatives "in the liver." Dean Afanasyevna cooked in the kitchen. On the table in dishes with tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. In the vase glowed large apples, from his garden.

- Dean Afanasyevna-say-according to my calculations. You should carry out at the plant almost a whole day! In addition to working at the stove, you are continuous social stress: a member of the district, the City Council, the partgruporg shifts. Yes, even with students GPTU do. When you have time to manage the economy?

- Well, first of all, I am quite at home. And secondly, I have a lot of helpers on the farm. That is the principal ... It is her husband Anatol electrical Bryansk plant asbestos.

After their marriage, gossips wondered, "Where are they look out for each other? At the mall Dean almost never went: at work, then school, then caring for her sick mother, the transfer from hospital to hospital is. "

And they do each other and not looking. Just went to school together in the fifth and sixth grades. And when the day met as adults, so once approached each other, and find that it was not necessary. Married, have together to build a new home. However, planted a garden ...

- He knows how: the hay mow, and will repair the bike, and cope with their children - says her husband Dean Afanasyevna.

Three children. Senior Valery and Ludmila, is college students, junior Sergei is a student.

- How are you with them in small, manageable? - I ask.

- And with Anatoly together. They worked in different shifts. Although it is seen, happened only on weekends, children are not left unattended.

... It is a great deal with regard to the Soviet cement industry have to say, applying the epithet of "most", "most." The house Semin talk about it. And Valery chosen profession technologist cement production. Serge, as befits the age, is fond of cars, dreams of being a driver. But it is not cars, not racing cars, but only large trucks, which carry the cement plant raw materials.

Each of the children Semin knows that "Mama" Bryansk cement in the tunnels and stations of the Moscow metro in the foundations and walls of the Moscow University, the facilities of the Volga-Don Canal, in the Tyumen oil wells, in the buildings of the Far North. It helps build our friends from the socialist countries, it is very willing to buy in many capitalist countries ... The mother gets a big box and I opened another facet of the lives of children. The box-family, so to speak, of honor. They are many and, of course, the majority in the name of Dina Afanasyevna. But now scarlet with gold embossed booklet letters issued by Ludmila Semina, first-year student at College of Technology: "The winner of the competition, signed the official report of the Lenin Komsomol XXV Congress of the CPSU." This is the reward of the Central Committee of Komsomol. But the Diploma, issued by the Technological College, "an active participant in the competition for the best course." The son of Valery-Diploma and Diploma of the winner of the regional cross-country athletics. The younger Sergei its charter for the first-place in camp chess tournament. Who knows how much labor the mother holds every line of these documents laudable children?

... I do not say anything about Dean Afanasyevna Semina as a communist. She joined the party in 1965, but she herself thinks that she has always been a Communist. Having received the membership card, she began to feel more confident, had to learn about all the most important and the main thing in life, became increasingly possible to solve the vital problems of the plant, plant.

As a young assistant engineer, a very busy studying, Dean was often zachinschitsey Subbotniks every clean-up, collecting scrap metal. "Girls! Let's stay after work? Because we do for ourselves! "Do not look at rankings, it can" print out "not only a mechanic, but the master, if he caused a delay in the work place.

For example, clinker conveyor zasypet. Well, wait until someone specifically send? Dean would say: "Girls! Let's stay, do it. For myself, after all! "And no one is denied ... We say goodbye to Afanasyevna Dina, and I am quite spontaneously said:

- Good-bye, the lady!

And so familiar, so it seems natural to this appeal. After all, the so-called Dean Afanasyevna Semin-Knight of the Order of Lenin and Hero of Socialist Labor, the mistress of the Soviet land.

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