Koznev Alexei
Brigadier integrated team of construction and assembly control a number of building trust Glavzapaduralstroya number 7, the Hero of Socialist Labor
In the early fifties in an open field near Perm laid the foundations of an oil refinery. Among its first builders were rusogolovy and chunky guy in faded shirt with traces of unpicked shoulder straps. Alex intrigues. His specialty was still not there, and he eagerly took up any job. Leaving a small Turkmen town, demobilized soldier said, seeing off his girlfriend:
- Okay, Alex, wait. Six months later, I'll send money. If by that time will not forget, come.
Not waiting for an answer, jumped on the bandwagon. Drove off, leaving no address. Three friends teased her:
- How well will wait. No wonder he silent dog walking next to you. In public, taking the arm as if afraid-not think why! Look now in the wind ...
What do they argue? Nothing. In fact, go out dancing, movies, sitting on a bench before the dawn. But nothing like each other are not required. And then there's the old Knights back on the road began to meet. But Alex was waiting for. Three months later came a remittance and a letter from the Urals: "I work at a construction site. Do not forget, come, wait. " Met without hesitation. A quarter century has passed. Refinery became the largest petrochemical complex in the Urals - the production association "Permnefteorgsintez." And the settlement grew, first builders, turned into an industrial area, the regional center. Alex Koznevu already. Exceeded fifty. More than twenty years, led by the best in the seventh brigade of the complex trust. Fail blond hair, exasperated at times sciatica, but fate, in general satisfied: Orders are not overlooked, two sons and his wife have grown grandchildren waiting. He drank on the occasion of the silver wedding stack, boasted at the table:
- How do think, for me, the former children of the orphanage, began life lucky? With her now, with his wife. Watched for a long time, but it chose without error. All my awards at fifty, and even more interest-Shurina merit. With such a sturdy rear of the home unless I can not work?
The guests laughed, and he was not joking. In the spring came the girl with the All-Union census forms. Ask:
- Who is the head of the family?
- Write-wife!, Said plots.
Alexander Macdowell did not argue.
When Alexis Koznevu named a Hero of Socialist Labor, the excavator Michael Koksharov, received a gold medal a few years earlier, congratulating fellow, said:
- Well, to me, therefore, easier to live would be: let us take turns sitting in the presidium. And then just the trouble! The front jacket suit quickly wear out. Work time!
Happy Koznov not given then the values of these words are not understood, so to speak, of humor. Soon, however, and he felt that the burden of fame is not an easy burden. Collection of supervisors, if you please, Alexei, a polished table of the presidium. Foremost gathering of area-again "asking elected to climb onto the stage." Meeting of the trade union activists, again, take off your overalls ... At first, one has to confess, it was flattering. Then the innate delicacy would not allow to give: the same people will be offended. But the seats of honor became unbearable. He complained to his wife:
- I am ashamed, Alex. While I was depicting the wedding of General, Brigade-is injected. And for me too ...
- You can not explain it to me, and where they should and does in fact do not see you at home. Just so does a treasury man was!, Added fuel to the fire by Alexander Macdowell. He was shy, cunning. He took off his suit with a gold star, not to stand out.
- What are you, Alexei, so behaving disrespectfully - chided Secretary of Party Committee of Eugene K. trestovskogo Soldatov.-Beacon supposed to shine, and shine.
- I am the last month in nine meetings beamed ... You then head to postroykomom broke: Do not mind the hero of his team if we only awarded third place. Yes, I tell the truth, and that did not work. For depreciation of furniture until the awards are given. What I was team leader? Permanent member of the Bureaux! ..
Where it had happened only ironic good humor, condusive to him and superiors and subordinates, and acquaintances. Party secretary even slightly taken aback. I wish to besiege: become conceited, they say, a hero, but he restrained himself. Got-dopeklo foreman. Conciliatory slapped on the shoulder:
- Okay, Senya, do not make a noise. I agree to all the meetings are not usidish, all the speeches are not listened to. Henceforth, without my knowledge or consent forbid you to participate in these "mass actions". Strongly!
-Well, thank you, once cheered intrigues, and his eyes found habitual expression of good-evil.
- But, have added a stricter secretary for social-work-after all we ask from you. Twice-as a Communist and as a hero. Here, for example, you are a freelance secretary in the regional committee of trade union elected. Charge it! And you say, in all meetings to remain silent. Do you have nothing to say?
Perm Regional Committee decided to hold a union construction workers in Berezniki visiting session of the presidium. 11ado was in place to understand why behind the construction of facilities for the production of mineral fertilizers. Together with other members of the presidium Koznevu had to analyze the work of many thousands of. And not just to evaluate and make specific recommendations on how to improve it. There is already a brigadier outlook, alas, is not enough. Chairman of the Regional Committee was aware of this. Upon reflection, he said:
- You know what, Alexei, wandering-ka on objects you own. Maybe what considerations arise.
Meeting of the Presidium of the Regional Committee of the union came to an end when, after looking so hours, the chairman gave the floor to Koznevu.
- Speakers are building leaders - began intrigues,-two and two together proved to us that they did not cause Ladyatsya due to objective reasons. The designers of the late issue technical documentation. The customer retains the equipment. The Ministry did not provide the materials and machines. Glaucus is not staffed workforce. No leaves, no lumen. Although the guard shout. I will not try to refute the speakers, just want to ask if they are not trying, nodding at the sins of others, to divert the conversation away from their own? The figures quoted here: lack of almost five hundred workers. At the same time, many teams do not comply with norms. And maybe, if pull backward, then the new people do not need? Why is low productivity? Because, they say that more than sixty per cent of working-young, novice builders. But then the forty-percent-experienced personnel. Dozens of famous teams! Teach people to be on their experience, the competition to organize, patronage lagging ...
No, not in vain for two days, he went from object to object, from the brigade to brigade.
- Very nicely decorated agitploschadki. Artists have tried. Posters, displays, slogans, appeals. Vivid impression of all that makes ... if you travel out of the car window to look. But let's slowed down, Careful reading of visual propaganda. For example, what "elevated" commitments do many teams, "Do not be late for work," "Do not be breaches of discipline," "Run rate is one hundred percent."
Think about it: an ordinary procedure for the feat of labor issued! And people are starting to think that it should be. I read on one stand that one of the early teams took five years to run. I found the developer, asked the foreman:
- A lot is left up to you to win? It is interesting to know, because our team has set a milestone.
- And who knows, she says. - It is necessary to ask his superiors.
- What an idea! Commitment is surely take themselves.
- Well, it was business, he says - such as resorted from the trade union committee. It is, say, the obligation to take time. "We must, as necessary,-agree-gather after the change, thanks." "No time to wait for an urgent report is required, but I still have four sites around. Sign it, and with the shoulders down. " To argue the once-work costs. Have signed, and what's next, I do not know ... I saw the following in postroykome chubby folder: hundreds of completed forms. The signatures are different, but the words are the same as a blueprint. For the record, will fit, but in fact, the appearance of a ...
- Or, 'continued machinations. - I also visited the competition tilers. Was conceived separately: in this case reveal the best workers, and their experience to teach others. And what happened? A total of four teams were the people. Foreman was in disorder: he has delivered more cement to be enough. Half of the left-which is now once the solution is easy to see? Sympathized with the guy going on. Look-tilers work. And also put a floor. "Why, wonder, not for the competition?" And they are surprised at the answer, too: neither of which such contest is not known to them. And even with a hurt that way says:
- You see, girls, somewhere in the contest, and we were not invited, we have no justice.
I touched her words. As a "no justice"? Word for word, and they are told to "visitor boss" of his offense. Last month, a team of their normal 36 percent blocked, but the team was awarded first place Pluzhnikov. Why not? Because the master of information about them in the building is not filed. The trade union committee, again, the full information about all bothered to collect. Negligence and the girls in the justice of the competition faith lost ...
He was applauded for a long time. The chairman of the Regional Committee of the union, concluding the discussion, said:
- Right here said Alexei. Need more people to work and not to carry out activities to report. Train went Perm from Berezniki late at night. In conjunction Koznov unexpectedly met installers foreman Vladimir Nikolaevich Feshchenko, with whom they had become friends, meeting at the regional meetings.
- How far is it going, Nikolaitch?-Asked intrigues.
- Yes, that's a meeting rabselkorov food.
- Again, go together. Spread out the bed, drank tea, went out into the corridor. For the wagon box and taiga dusk.
- So, "and we assemblers-and high-altitude climbers from above send greetings to you?"-As if Buddy teased! Plots.
This dispute began with them during the day, at a construction site. Talk about competition with the girls-plitochnitsami, intrigues continued to bypass the construction. I almost finished the body cooler, talking listlessly, threw off his helmet, were working. Froze boom tower crane. A familiar picture: the forced "smoke break", chuckled to himself intrigues.
- Senya! What brings you here!, To him, smiling in a hurry Feshchenko. After exchanging greetings. Machinations asked, nodding at them glumly watching burly guys meeting:
- Sitting? What happened?
Feshchenko gloomy:
- Reinforced concrete, infinite them!, Three foundations is not concreted. The superintendent, when they take an object under the assembly, vowed to do everything at once. I believed him. So now I go after him: a team sits.
- What is going?-Naively surprised Koznev.-Ten cubic meters of concrete, and itself can be taken!
- How is ourselves.? We are the installers. Professionals who can provide, the major league. Laying concrete for us anyway, that cabinet-maker procure timber. Profitability is not. Everyone must do their job, which is the best he can.
- So, everyone has their job, and a total let-it?-Teased his friend intrigues.
- And on your building site in a different way?-Hurled Feshchenko.
- And we just sighed Koznev.-A should be different-
- That's it! - Summed up Feshchenko.
Then, at the construction site did not want to inflame Koznov passion. Yes, and a place for discussion was not appropriate. And then, on the podium already bypassed this subject: uncomfortable thought behind his comrade blame, especially since the correctness is not lying on the surface. And an unexpected way their conversation was continued. The car has long subsided sleepily, but they could not argument turns.
- What, above all, demand from builders today?-Reasoned Vladimir Feshchenko. - The speed and quality! How can they achieve? I think everyone should be the champion of his profession. Here, for example, my team in the installation of the box anyone at a construction site not far behind. Six months ago, my boys were given this record, that in the chapter only to gasp ...
- How, Why, I remember reading - seem to be supported by intrigues. - I admit we did not take off famously. No wonder you won the State Prize. Just tell me please how soon after your records in case the other things done?
- About a month later the object was empty. Just what have we? Our team has reduced the standard period of three times!
- What the, I'm sorry, you're so briskly lyad sweating?
- You might think that you do not happen ...
- And we have is, 'agreed-Koznev. Last year, the ammonia complex we are building contracting demineralization, and easier to say, clean water, for half a month ahead of schedule built. The award received. A month after we came to plumbing. Lump In addition, too, twice as fast as its norm fittings installed. Hence, they rely Prize. A box once a week does not empty. Then come for electricians. Record set by its side. Again, from the cash bonus Ruble is ticking. In general, at least a dozen different set of records at the facility, and allowed as a result three months later than the schedule. I went by, so believe me, it was embarrassing for the "additional financial incentives." It's like fooling the state!
- Well, you've had enough! We're honestly doing their job? Honestly! Our medals and awards are not for beautiful eyes, and for working skills.
- That may be so, but do not give me the rest concern: how to record missing, but overall it lags behind? Great if procs from your or my championship?
- You do not need, in your opinion, skill and high?-Frankly surprised Feshchenko. Machinations frowned in annoyance:
- I'm not about that. Who argues, the ability, in any case it is important to ...
- That's it! In each case need specialists. The school was taught, "the trouble, since shoes will stitch pieman ..."
- You are right, but you can not bring this specialty to the absurd. Zaspetsializirovalis completely. Each garden on its subcontractor records grows, each on its own craftsman, and the final beneficial result for the state does not.
- That's what I tell you: Each team must develop to achieve a record, but as a record of our common fold, pro let his boss a headache. Let's pack.
Although the last word Feshchenko left a winner themselves felt. The same "end result" was talking about plots, was not indifferent to the noble installer. Not one for the same prizes sought to develop a team record. His, as well as Kozneva, troubled question of why plans for the development of trust money develops ahead, but real objects are put into operation late? During construction in general, of course, with the demand of the authorities, but then the team leader, and with the party ticket in his pocket, is not a pawn. Aching for the soul is constructed but dormant concrete box. In the morning the first to:
- Here you are my professional pride cruelly reproached. And as if he were in my place orders?
- Yeah, I would not once in the heart of tobacco hassle, quick-responded-Koznev. themselves to these ten cubic meters of concrete was laid. Record, may not have set, but downtime is not allowed. And most importantly, it moved. We're on the self-financing, we have a smoke once.
- And we are also on the contract. But just what does this end? Truncated! At the foundation, in succession, the box is also a row on the roof, in a row.
- What did I tell you? Contractors are many, and, most importantly, for the facility completely no one answers. In the construction industry needs a contiguous row! Now, if the method for whole zlobinsky trusts, central administrations, to extend the ministry? Improve it, how to think?
Last fall, supervisors intrigues and A. V. Feshchenko met in Lysva. We had to introduce a new production at the metallurgical plant, and Glaucus pulled here the best strike force in all areas.
- I heard you the example of the Sverdlovsk decided to lower the composition of the task team to perform? Asked Koznov tovarischa.-Where you take the reserves?
- And we master the related specialty, sly smile-Feshchenko.
At home, Alexei whole dossier of newspaper and magazine articles on construction. Brochures about the experience Zlobin, Surikov and other well-known practitioners across the country. Looking over tenderloin with red pencil otcherknutymi particularly interesting for him sometimes, intrigues, as usual, laughing, said:
- I confess, not just for the public interest, both for your personal, was sore. When twenty years ago, I took a team, the best were those who mastered more rubles.
His first day he Brigadier remembered forever. By the time Koznov mastered specialty masonry, concrete workers, carpenters. Considered reliable, credible in the eyes of his comrades and superiors the worker. It is one thing to answer for himself, Six guys in colorful bathing suit reclining on the floor slabs. Sunbathing, smoking. Snares introduced. One of the guys, lazily sitting up, he asked: - Well, how many days you have to run away? For athletics my legs too short, laugh-plots. - In my complexion more in weight lifters go. It's after work. And the change, I believe, work to do. Bribing kids his benevolence, worldly wisdom. He did not humiliate people for blunders, was generous in his praise, been consulted. Do not hesitate with them to learn assembly. How many years have passed already, and they to him are still left Petyami, Kolyami, Nadyami Katyami and, although their families have got, and some have even graduated from college. At the ... meeting of the trade union office building complex for the production of ammonia and urea at lunchtime summed up the competition teams. As usual, one month after President profposta construction Anatoly Gushchin with the head of the department of labor and wages of the trust "was hit Grandma" and distributed the prizes. Members of the post could only approve the ready list. And what must be confessed, even the "Lightning" was harvested in advance, the names of the winners in her bear. - Begin, comrades, tapped a pencil on the table Gushchin. - Promulgate the results of work teams in July. He called the figures of the plan brigades, the main indicators of output. And he concluded: - So, the place winners are invited to distribute in the following order: first, to award the team Ustalova roofer. Second-team concreters Kozneva. The third-team concreters Pechenkina. Who are "for"? - I'm against it! ..-Up plots. - Against that our team be awarded second place. All looked up questioningly at Kozneva: could the Hero will claim the first! - As for that first team Ustalova, nothing. Earned! But the distribution of the second and third places must be reconsidered. The team Pechenkina worked better than we do. - But, Alexei, - said the chairman, but in-your team a better balance between commitment and implementation. And that's what we take as a basis for summarizing the results. This is the order. - So, a bad order! Is again interrupted speaker Koznev.-In this manner the obligations take a little lower and do a little more, thank you, and honor! No order under this incentive for the adoption of high sotsobyazatelstv, and therefore there is no productivity growth. I suggest summarizing the results come not from the interest, but from the real work. And that's just on the basis of this, today awarded the second place team Pechenkina ... And the members unanimously agreed to post deserved a foreman. - Sasha and Pechenkin not just one building site work, and even the neighbors, 'said my plots. - To work together we go every morning. He asked my advice, and I have it. How can I do for their own benefit crooked soul? It appears, from the podium saying the right words, but in fact, self comes? Get at least a brigade cost accounting, back-he said to his exciting probleme.-Why he hardly implemented, although all voted "for"? Here, for example, has become our brigade complex, and we have concluded an agreement with the administration. Undertook in a short time to build and deliver the equipment for assembly of the case. At the end of the quarter resorts superintendent. "Well done, 'he says, has already reached to the roof. Only I beg you, intrigues, laying the new building immediately. " "So in fact we do not pass this." - Plenty of time. Management plan must be saved. Rvanesh on the foundation and installation of reinforced concrete, but after the first number on your return object. Or have you got the whole team's head does not hurt? " W here do? My, what a team and gets the prize for the object, and the foreman and the other leaders, especially in disbursement of funds in rubles. Now, if all the superintendents and managers to translate into a full cost accounting, all pay only for the finished object! Then there would be separate from the builders of the state interest, and would become a general-end products. The day after the publication of the decree of the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers "On Improving the planning and strengthening the impact of the economic mechanism to increase production efficiency and quality of work" Koznov came on the scene with the newspaper. - What did I say?-He asked tovarischey.-entry facilities, this is our main index. Passed the "turnkey" plant-received earnings. Only in this way! One would think that at least some items of government documents have been dictated to them personally. However, it is far from the truth embodied in the resolution of concerns and aspirations of thousands of thoughtful practitioners as Alex intrigues. *** In February 1980 Alexei Kozneva elected to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. - Now you have me. Shura, a treasury man not used to call, 'he said, showing a family deputy certificate. - And what have you, if not a government? - Alexander Macdowell pretense persisted. - Raise Up: I'm not a government man, and the public!