Minin Ivan

Khafizov Midhat Gabdraupovich

Andreev Vyacheslav Mitrofanovich

Ivan Liashenko Nikiforovich

Tarasenko Victor G.

Anibraeva Mariya

Baltabayev Shakir

Umirov Ergen

Saralidze Zurab G.

Boychenko Chariton Porfirievich

Veygul Bronislawa Eduardovna


Valentina Golubeva

Weaver Ivanovo worsted plant named after Lenin and Hero of Socialist Labor

Valentina Golubeva At the end of the last century in the newspaper "Russian Gazette" appeared essays FD Nefedov. Nefedov zeal born of Ivanov and lives of weavers knew firsthand. The fact that life is hard for common people artisan wrote a lot, but it was in the essays Nefedova episode that shook Russia reading: "... I asked a manufacturer, then what kind of people come out of all these boys running in the dryers, the zrelnyh and veshalah. He thought for a moment, gave me this response:

- God knows where they are, we disappear, we somehow do not see them after.

- How not to see?

- Yes, so they dry out.

I accepted this expression of pure metaphor.

- You want to say that later they changed their occupation or kind of move to another factory?-Ask again.

- No, just a dry, very dry! - Posted serious manufacturer. "

On the last picture in Ivanovo like brick walls of the "Big Mill Ivanovo." The old factory buildings still loom on the grassy banks of the Disposed ...

In the spacious avenue showered golden leaves under your feet in cool, high sky slowly floating clouds. The city is quiet. That evening, he seethe with trolley stops, crowded around the playbills. And now the morning, and the rare passer-by in a hurry to meet him. And, perhaps, because the streets are deserted and the look is almost delayed by the counter, suddenly comes the feeling that you're in a museum under the open sky, and the name of this museum: Revolution.

Here in this house, Dmitry Furmanov studied in this work, Mikhail Frunze. In the gold lace of twigs monument: the legendary commander of a sword in his hand ... Bubnov Street, a street Postysheva ... Would get here soon, and cubes and boxes of new buildings, and still live their houses with ornate wooden casings on the windows, with a darkened benches from time to time at the gate. The house number 45/48 Andrei Bubnov was born in house number 40, Paul Postyshev ...

And so almost every street corner, marble plaques, sounding familiar with the names of his childhood ... The city insists: know, remember. He talks about his heroes. And these characters, almost all workers. Perhaps in no other city so it is not noticeable "proletarian origin."

One way or something like this, I thought, when fine September morning, went to the worsted mill. It is located on the outskirts of Ivanov in the estate, and its glass casing fit into blocks of modern buildings, there are fabrics that come in five hundred cities in the Soviet Union. Mark of the plant, two swans. This is no accident. Wool and synthetic, which is produced from a worsted fabric, soft and light as swan's down.

The plant is young. The first batch of worsted fabrics was sent to customers in 1964.

Valentina Golubeva, rather Valentina Golubeva, otherwise it is called, no one in the eye and behind his back, came to Worsted in 1967. Weaver's shop, where she works, something reminiscent of a giant ship engine room. Not for a moment silent roar, frames, every second rising up and down ... They worked the looms, and about them now and then flashed blue and red scarves. Belonged to a brand new blue and red-shock-workers of communist labor. Red Scarves prevailed. This is the realm of women and men. Some of them silently drive trucks, other assistants masters control the operation of machines. At the women-fitting blue gown at the figures, a man wearing an army shirt sample. A reminder that they are also advocates.

However, people here are young, and all these guys it was easy to see yesterday's soldiers.

I asked one of them, where can I find Golubev?

- Go to the end of the shop - he shouted to me almost in the same uho. and see the poster, it is written.

The poster hung over the span:

"It works Hero of Socialist Labor VN Golubev." And I immediately saw her.

Of medium height, well built, it is easy, with no apparent effort was between machines. That stopped, tied with the hook in his hand, a smooth slope of the instantaneous movement of a flexible shape, finger sweep, and it is already in the next machine. The brochure specifically analyzing the work of Valine, all Pcs. sought: "The left hand thread, it leads to a free nadvyazannuyu Halevy, establishes eye heddle between the index and middle fingers of his right hand, and introduces the hook down into the slot peephole he hooked the thread ..."

Nothing I did not know, but saw only one thing: the beauty and elegance of the movements, which in any job is a sign of higher skill.

And one caught my eye: Valya worked cheerfully. I met a friend of the column, spread to her two or three words, and laughed, looked at me and gently, as if juggling, threw up reel. And all this at an incredible seal, with thirty-nine machines, instead of the norm!

Machines in seven rows of four each, and two more machines in the eighth row, it was. And every machine needed doglyad, and each machine is non-stop "worked" the fabric!

The change was over, I waited until Val disguise. She ran her hand through her hair, adjusting her hair, she sighed softly, trying to figure out something.

- When we talk about? I now have to work out with Pavlik, tomorrow session of the regional Council, then I go out at night ... Since the name Golubeva thundered across the country, valine time contracted to the limit. A member of the Komsomol Central Committee and the Committee of Soviet Women, a member of the Bureau of the Regional Party Committee, deputy of the Regional Council of ... And everything else a student evening department of Ivanovo Textile Institute

She grew up in the village of Peace of the Bryansk region in which the entire industry, it is a small torfopererabatyvayuschy plant. The mother and father graduated from medical school. Nikolai Yakovlevich and now works as a medical assistant in the same village. "To work as a father, have a very loving people," - said to me, Val. The family was large, and four children. And life is the village: the garden, geese, chickens. From an early age Valya was accustomed to work, she knew she was older, it is necessary to help my mother.

When the sun clung to the tops of the pines and fall evening dew, Val was with his father in the woods: birch twigs to break the brooms. And on the way back to her father read Tyutchev: "There is a lightness in the autumn evenings touching, mysterious charm ..."

Thus came into her soul poetry. And when a few years later, she arrived in Ivanovo, in her suitcase were the only clothes and a volume of poems.

Left behind, and ten-year graduation and dreams of the future. However, all was clear: the need to work, my father and mother should raise the sisters. And Val was determined in textile vocational school went to Shuya. Here she was lucky she got to the group, where trainers worked Sophia A. Gorshkov. Forty years had taught the girls weaving Gorshkov and invested in training all his soul.

After college he was sent to a group of Worsted. Works just built, housing was not enough, and nine girls quartered near work. There was a youth, was the greedy grasp of the world, which opened in the spacious new buildings, promised a lot of interesting city, attracted by light flooded streets. However, stepping up to these streets was not easy. Behind the house where the girl lived, extended marshy wasteland, and Boris, her future husband, an assistant master of worsted, used to joke: "I get to see you in the summer, because only by boat, and in winter, with a gun, scaring the wolves ..." grafted with hard work and childhood physical conditioning helped the Vale in the first few months ... Work weavers not easy, it requires a relentless attention to here is not prisyadesh not peredohnesh. But Valentine was a joy to comprehend the tangled threads, and run it like so, to hear the behind the back of approval: "Good girl, he tries."

Weavers have learned Ghali Nikitina Val proportion with the rate of movement, so as not to rush in vain, for Eudocia Musinovoy-speed techniques to maintain the machine.

The love of knowledge, gleaned from the house, too, from childhood, she called to study further and Golubeva entered the evening department of the College. Fortunately, he was right there at the plant. And soon, Vale lucky the second time she came to the brigade assistant master Alexander Prokhorov. In fact a skilled weaver and a good control setup of the machine largely determine the success. And Sasha was one of the best setters shop. And once the story has turned out the most common: one of the weavers was ill, needed a replacement and decided to put a team Golubev. Since then, friends, and the assistant masters, and weaver. "My first assistant,"-usually said of him, Valentine's Day.

Valentina Golubeva Prokhorov, a brand new industry quickly appreciated the weavers. He liked that it was never considered in due course and tools contained in the ideal purity. And the extra work was not afraid. After all, how is that something happened at the weavers are not out to replace the machine and stand. Then Val resorted to Prokhorov. "Give me two or three, because the idle!" Prokhorov initially doubted: and handle it? After all, is just gape not have time-and tissue went to marry. And what a fabric! But decided to take the risk, knowing already Valentine. Then he looked carefully: cope. So she began to work on eight machines AT-4-175SH, and then at nine. This is the norm instead of six. And while the fabric she was only the first grade.

All of these events in Valya's work belonged to the time the renovations began weaving shop. To replace the shuttle machines came high-STB-4-175 shuttleless. Weaver had to learn a new technique. And that's when a Komsomol organizer Valentina Golubeva plot was ripening daring decision: to defy time! Get a once twelve new machines. Bold decision, if only because that shuttleless machines then were curiosity, but as they serve at a high compression zone, no one knew. But it spoke powerfully to the Vale is the special feature of her character, which is commonly referred to as winged. She wanted to comprehend and master the new and the others to lead themselves, to be ahead. Blue-eyed girl with a worsted lived anticipation of the flight.

She shared her plan with Prokhorov. However, pondered, pondered. Proposal to interested engineers, economists, and that's the end of 1974 Valya started to serve fourteen looms STB-4-175 (typical compaction machines 9).

Director of the factory named SI Balashov widely known Zoe P. Pukhov, the very recent past, the weaver of the highest class, the Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, immediately noted the main guarantee for the success of the Wali: "She knows how to take a running start." No one better than Zoya Pavlovna could not explain it, would be unable to apply practical and concrete advice:

- It should be a pre-set to be collected internally. To go to work and already know how to bypass the machines going, what and in what sequence to do.

Takeoff was necessary not only to the Vale of it. It was necessary to overcome the first and most difficult barrier: psychological. After all, her neighbors on the shop floor machines in less than half, and they all look at you - how you managed to so many? And not always kindly. This, too, can understand. What are you in the end than they? Some has been working for twenty years, and the best are not registered. And your every mistake will be noticed ...

But Val has "picked up the run." And since that autumn day of her return flight is similar to a spiral. No matter what month, the new round, and every-up! Working for fourteen machines, Val completed the ninth five-year plan in three and a half years and has developed over the plan eighty-nine thousand meters of worsted fabrics. If the transfer is not very intuitive thousands of feet into rubles, it gave the state an additional tissue in the amount of about one million rubles.

In January 1975 Valentina Golubeva won its first award: the award named after heroes of the first five weavers Evdokia and Maria Vinogradov. It took another few months and for the early implementation of five-year plan, it was awarded the Order of Labor Glory III degree. In August 1975, Golubev weavers and nine of its move to change the service sixteen looms STB-4-175, and in January 1976 Valentina Golubeva started working on the twenty-two machines, and makes a commitment: to the end of 1980 to perform twelve and a half of annual regulations . This means two and a half five-year plan! The initiative was approved by the weavers of the Komsomol, and her name appears in national newspapers. From now on, it became known throughout the country.

But here I must interrupt the rapid transfer to answer a very natural question: how is it possible? After all, rules are not taken from the ceiling, they are scientifically substantiated, verified, approved, keep the boundaries of possible abuse, and suddenly, and even what! It turns out that maybe, if it is taken for the full force of his abilities a man whose spiritual impulse reinforced by finding creative and precise engineering calculations. Of course, Valentina Golubeva helped engineers, technologists, and specialists.

Worsted is the name of the "Enterprise of Communist Labor." It is the collective work is not only excellent spinners, weavers, otdelochnitsy but excellent engineers. Upgrading machines STB began at the plant almost immediately after their development. Vasily Lebedev suggested Nikiforovich original design roller, which descends from the woven fabric. Only the introduction of roller allowed the weaver to save for a change of more than an hour of work! Had heard at the plant, which in some plants in order to discover which is broken weft yarn is used so-called "discovery mechanism" times ", and immediately made its manufacture and kamvolytsikov. How much time saved pnevmoobduv! After manual cleaning of machines required for their daily stop for twenty minutes! Now the machine is not cleaning the weaver, and compressed air.

And this is only a part of the innovations that are gradually introduced through the efforts of a team of experts in the workshop. When Val asked me to give her a service twenty-two machine, it was decided to upgrade these machines completely and simultaneously. Made a special schedule. In the repair shop, in the mechanical department of work to prepare machines for Golubeva did not stop for an hour. Record provided engineers.

And then can ask: what is left to share in the Vale, these hot days of winter? She remained the main thing: to prepare themselves for the record work. And if the engineers looked for in the construction equipment spare minute, Val led their fight for a second. Because it is not yet invented a loom that would be treated without hands weavers. "Where else, other than sports, the score is on the second? Only at us, "Valya is the word.

To seal ragged thread weaver Standards require thirty seconds. Valya has time to do it for nineteen. Only through their own hands. In place of standard reel devotes twenty seconds. Val change reel in 10.8 seconds (the score is on the tenth ..). Thought, each movement of the fingers, every turn ... This is precisely the curiosity of the mind, which allows the worker to storm peaks in productivity!

July 20, 1977 kamvolyschikam remembered as an event at the combine, as they feast. On this day, Valentina completed a private five-year mission. She could be happy. She not only was the first of her were already dozens of factory workers, ahead of time.

A August 1, 1977 Valentina Golubeva for achieving the highest productivity in the industry awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor. She becomes a heroine sixtieth textile region. First in 1947, Barbara became Stepanovna Antipin, flax brigade brigadier, who was born in 1898, rotten from the youth of strangers.

After three decades, and the heroine was a young textile worker, a student of textile college. Sixtieth heroine ...

And here I am a guest of the Wali. A small, cozy furnished apartment on the shelves of books. They are not so much, but they are loved. From the receiver pours music. The solemn chords fill the room, swim in the half-okno. You will not interfere?-Val asks.

- No, do not you?

- What are you, I love this thing ...

And tied the conversation light and casual. We're talking about music, poetry and painting. In some ways, I do not agree with it, however, as it is with me. Concur on the fact that we both love poems of Anna Akhmatova, and that we both military road lyrics Simon.

Valya sorry I did not know that I am in town, but it would definitely invited to the Pool. She was there last week.

- It's a beauty, it is difficult to convey in words. Each birch, each bend of the Volga supposedly descended from the canvas. Levitan, vivid colors ... You know, I sometimes ask for weavers: "Val, can you tell about the artists." So I'm beginning to be interested in, talk about love Kuvshinnikova and Levitan, and then ask about the painting ...

She tells about his trip to the United States with a delegation of the Committee of Soviet Women.

- We were at the Metropolitan - the museum, we go into an almost empty room, and there Rodin's "Thinker"!

And I look at this lovely, graceful woman, and can hardly imagine that with the help of her hands already attained fabric so much that you can put a city that less than a year, and it has already completed its third five-year period!

The house in which he lives, Valya corner. One end face, he goes out Panin. N. Panin was a revolutionary, Lenin's agent, "Sparks." He must have dreamed that one time and place of settlement Balashovka stand spacious homes for the workers that they will live a beautiful, proud people. Such as Valentine Golubeva, Ivanovo weaver.

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