Gustoev Vasily Mikhailovich

Ovsyannikov Vasily

Mullakaeva Nuria Kamaletdinovna

Stetsenko Nikolai

Smirnov Viktor P.

Demchenko Lydia Avgustinovna

Pirmatov Ergash

Yermolovich Vasily Mikhailovich

Aliyev Mashadi Ali oglu

Leshinskene Ioannina Pranovna

Ostanov Vladimir Nikitovich


Gustoev Vasily Mikhailovich

Locksmith-adjuster Ural Automobile Plant, Hero of Socialist Labor

Gustoev Vasily Mikhailovich Said the person he was-a strong, seasoned. Even in the winter goes, chest open. One word-Uralets, a mighty man. And then find out: was taken in Chelyabinsk, in the hospital. Close those wondering: why, never complained of heart. It is true, such as Vasily Mikhailovich Gustoev, sticks his seemingly do not set up, attached to the end, though, maybe the doctor would advise a long time ago: a hole you do yourself. But they have no nremeni, these people, all they think, that somewhere something they did not finish, although they sometimes pull the possibility of seven. These are always a step forward, it is difficult.

And .. the age of conscription was not yet, and the book was, not passenger cars assembled in Miass, but knocked Basil threshold recruiting office. Grow, as long as the plant mastered the gearbox, they are now, oh, how machines are needed at the front. " And at the plant: "We will be judged, if you go." And he ran to the door, beside which hung a banner: "The Motherland Calls." And once the military commissar waved his hand: "Well, look ..." The agenda was not long in coming. Threw in a pre-made bag and the most necessary things, to the station. Well-after all learned about the factory boss, girl-tier sent to the storekeeper, with instructions to return the fugitive. "They told me to come back, forgive." Train run scored. "Everything," she shouted Gustoev, waving his hand in farewell.

Everything turns in his life. More recently, he, machinists, dreamed of a professional locksmith. Yesterday he did not feel the war in so far as to what will feel it tomorrow, and today it has become one of the millions of people who fell to the soldiers' fate. But Basil Gustoev used to tailor their actions to the dictates of the time, life circumstances.

Went to work early, fifteen years to the mine. The family was large, seven children. Played a role in his life, and even an old sewing machine and maternal neighbor's bicycle, which he constantly repaired. They replaced his children's designer, and thanks to this technique nemudrenoy Basil found himself. His hands easily and confidently wielded a file, screwdriver, hacksaw, wrench, plumbing, and since then has always seemed the most interesting Basil.

This does not mean that Gustoev not going to study further, did not want to go to college, but it was duty to his family, and he saw how valued each pair of hands in the Urals, where at that time set up factories, then do the technique for the front. And he became the workers, to drag the first machines in the shops, installed them, he was sent back to where most needed people. Grinders was for the same reason, although a metalworkers sought. I thought, "Okay, it's time. And yet ... "

The war came, but another four years in the army Gustoev. When he returned to Miass, eagerly seized the job. There was initially the same skill, but the very fact that he was again at its plant, which began last things you love, plumbing, gave him confidence. Repairing worn-out machines. Repaired! What kind of confidence in the word, and he embarrassed them marching like soldiers to the cradle of the child, took the fear, as well as it does not work:

hand, his many years nursed a gun carriages. •

- Yes, you have everything go right on "you" with a technique, discussed in the workshop. Gustoev And with each passing day more and more faith in their own hands, and fingers took on the professional sensitivity lost during the war, and responded to them, any risk to the metal. After a couple of months Gustoevu suggested:

- Go into the engine shop manager. This is the place for intelligent people.

- No, thank you for your trust. You know, just hesitated, searching for simple, all the time would have decided the words, 'I did not ... Well, I can not ...

For a few short months, he said, starting with the third category, won eight, the highest. For others it takes years. By Gustoevu reached youth. The boys felt it not only a great master, but man, generously fissile their knowledge, a man who knows how to subtly adjust teenager, and somehow in his own way, in gustoevski praise, but if you want, then pull up, but not rude, not I am distressed dignity, but rather the opposite, raising a person, making it clear that anyone can achieve and respect and gratitude, if it will try to win the case. And he could not do without these boys. No wonder Vasily Mikhailovich now chairman of mentors Ural Automobile Plant.

All in-memory case, how hard he fumbled with Vyacheslav. Gustoev asked not to call his name:

"Maybe he has a girlfriend." Vyacheslav took the brigade from the colony, no one was initially against it, and then ...

- He used to work and will not come, and only delays, then ... - says Vasily Mikhailovich. - We not only because of it rolling away the pennant, which had always be awarded with the brigade, and began to deny and prizes. I'm with him this way and that and went home to see how he's arranged, Slavka. And the kids are noisy, "You throw their experiments, they beat us to afford." "As well, answer-man is on the mend. Absenteeism was not here ... "Agreed," Well, brigadier, tolerate his antics to the next. " Wait for it for a long time did not have to. I do not remember that much, he threw in the shop. I could not stand here and still regret it. "Try the other team, does not work, come, and now out of sight!" Well, in a new place to cool it cost. In short, quit Slavka. I called back. "Thank you, - he says - you, Vasily Mikhailovich, but I do not dare to look into the eyes of his comrades. Try a prospecting party. "

Yes, it is not always good luck ... But back to the most difficult years Gustoeva when he was appointed foreman. Management team required additional care, the ability to think about the people. Let's say a guy came into the team after school. For someone to fix a beginner? Someone did not come to work, you must find out why, after all the same happens in humans, and not just a medical certificate or a subpoena or to the military serve as an explanation. We must look to him to know, not whether you want any help. In short, free time, when the team was headed, not at all costs. There were new machines, unfamiliar, and he was, as always, wanted to just dig down and he sat on the charts, drawings, and more and more understood: it is not enough gramotenki. I had to learn. And not only did he himself went, and the whole team and led him into the school for working youth. Gustoeva not accepted in the eighth grade: there was no help for seven years. But he did appear at the first lesson. - In vain, in vain, head teacher, said dryly, 'you would have in the fifth, well, in the extreme case in the sixth grade is necessary. Indeed, many are not sitting at a desk ... Teachers do not ask him, because he is a class list, not a number. A Gustoev. Despite this, diligently performed all the tasks, often skipping classes. Persistence of the former war veteran, father of the family, could not bribe, the more that other, younger, had to literally drag to school. At the end of his apprenticeship, he melted the hearts of teachers' diligence.

One head teacher looked on mathematics test papers for six months. It has already been put into the habit with the name of a piece of strontium Gustoeva, but thinking of twos, which just put the most capable students, decided to see the work "of this strange man."

He looked and was amazed: Not a single mistake! It was only five in the whole class ... In the evening at the school, he said Gustoevu:

- You excuse me, please, and shook his head, annoyed with himself for such a long neglect of human aspiration.

In 36 years Gustoev passed the exams without a triple and went to college.

He was a youth who has just finished school. Of course, all of it was easy in the first year, all over what he had to plug away all night long.

Each his success he received with great joy.

Mikhail Sergeyevich, an experienced teacher, director of college, used to say a friendly encouraging Gustoeva:

- Do not hang your nose. Now they are mocking you, and yet then go cap in hand for help: yes, when to start a special discipline.

Still, he pulled the first year without triples. Define the most capable. There were sixteen of these "isolated", and after a third-year left only three.

Now for Gustoeva all began on a familiar experience, the shop, it is true, by the younger people to seek help. Even at work where are the difficulties? Somehow, suddenly, right in the eyes of many were opened. What previously could not understand, no matter how hard fought, is now able to explain clearly. Others.

Gustoevu offered a place in the pilot plant mechanic, but he refused. I could not change the focus, could not split in two. Education took up a lot of time, and the new job would require, of course, the same thing. But he did not know how to do so somehow entrusted to him somehow.

Vasily Mikhailovich was the only one defended in its issue of a diploma with honors. There was yet another happy event in his life in the sixties. Vasily Mikhailovich was a party.

- Why so late?, He said, as if answering himself sebe.-considered himself unprepared. - This is for me the same thing as half-baked bread on the table to serve. Like the bread is called, but still not the same. That's when you get to those who see you, then it's time.

Gustoev Vasily Mikhailovich In all he was so demanding of himself. The first factory gustoevskoy team collected the title of Communist. He gave up a high honor.

- But the best is the enterprise-assured him.

- Not the worst, agree, Vasily Mikhailovich, but not communist, and began to give examples that prove him right.

- It's little things ...

- That's when they will not ... When a team has made an honorary title, not a stretch, but really, in fairness, he left the brigade, moved on to more complex plot began to develop machines with hydraulic drives. Then Vasily Mikhailovich was not pleased with himself: thought that is not as fast as we would like, is it "training."

- Look, the point is pleasure to have established, and you have all hands to the elbows in oil. And why are you poking around, shrugged his shoulders, Nadeshkin, mechanic shop chassis. Gustoev explained:

- But then in the hands of the less oil will be, if the subtleties would get, and still another two to four hours after work fiddling with the equipment.

So happy Gustoev courses for adjusters on hydraulics. First, at home, and then in other departments of the plant.

Due to this downtime was less sophisticated equipment. Of course, even now at night and Vassily Mikhailovich midnight call to the factory, for he is the best locksmith-adjuster, and no one remembers this, that he did not understand the most complex faults that refused to help, citing fatigue.

- I do not like to machines with no soul, because in them as human labor is laid, a part of someone's heart, says Gustoev.-you to the machine with warm hands go up, extending the life of him ... With these, who without respect to technology, and shake-it is not desirable. They say: "If all the young people at the plant would take with you an example ..." And she takes. Once we have it from themselves sometimes shuts, we live the old yardstick. Food, as always, the ninth of May to the mother on the bus, hairy guys, lohmy them known to cause the approval of the older generation, and suddenly these guys are loud, where hush passengers, happily congratulating me on the Day of Victory. Ask about the sorrows and sufferings that fell to our lot. Listen, having hidden. I tell them: "You too nyderzhite, if necessary." "Certainly," replied the.

Probably, Vasily Mikhailovich, the first of gustoevskoy breed a golden vein of teaching.

Maybe that is why his daughter, Irina, is preparing to become a teacher. - You know, how I rejoiced to read and write and sign the Komsomol Central Committee, which I was awarded for the education of young people can not tell, - says Vasily Mikhailovich. - This is not someone out there, but she recognized the young people not in the sand, so all leaves. Son Gustoeva twenty-six, he was the eldest of children, grandchildren, parents have bestowed. He lives alone, but in his father's house is often the case. Alex joked: "I went to the gustoevskie conversation." And although he hydraulics mechanic on the higher level and at the factory respect him as a professional, yet still believes his father bread raw. When asked again Gustoevu take her son to his team, he replied: "intelligent, talking ... Maybe, but it is still dropout, where he, with eight classes in this technique! .. "

Do not disregard the advice of his father, with whom they are very friendly, Sasha graduated odinnadtsatiletku. And then followed a new gustoevskoe requirement: "Learn more. You see what kind of machines in the factory today, and tomorrow they will be much more complicated and has only a knowledge of engineering will be needed just to you. "

- Father of his descent does - laughing Zoya Ivanovna, and my son is a good, kind, and her eyes were bright-zagorayutsya. Maybe now that his father is discharged from the hospital, they finally go on a fishing trip together, because for a long time going. And once all of them.


Look around the unpretentious atmosphere a little two-room apartment. Quite simply, all low-cost, all essentials. Looks like Euro landlady's small, and found out there gustoevskaya nature somehow brighter, it reflected the interests of these walls is truly a man lives not for things for people. And the phrase pops up in the memory, heard at the plant, "Oh my pocket does not care, modest, with this you can look far ahead."

On the table, waiting for the return of the master stack of newspapers. Book-Review of the World hydraulics. A volume of the series "Life of Remarkable People" magazines.

- I like to find out before the end of the situation, that is why we do not read more artistic things, and documentaries. And the journey is also a weakness of mine.

Rustle up late in the apartment page.

Zoya gets a letter from the hospital: "It's boring to me without you, but I'll be home soon ..." And I imagine I see him walking on the shop floor, a large, strong, blond, I see a man that people happily say: "Hello, Vasily Mikhailovich, tired of waiting for us. "

Yes, the bottom of one of its life, the special, I forgot to mention. It was this spring. Gustoev went on. . Street and suddenly I heard:

- Mikhailovich, the newspaper, you read today?

- And what about ...

- And do not you know? Vasily Mikhailovich shrugged as if nothing had ever seen there.

- You also awarded a Gold Star!

Gustoev smiled tomorrow, remember, the first of April.

But it was, the day he became a hero.

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