Kondratieff Love Kondratyevna

Theodore L. Kurylo

Dougal Vladimir Nikitovich

Yanchevskii Stanislav M.

Razykov Ulmas Kagarovich

Balgenzhiev Zinel

Lomidze Otari A.

Isababaeva Ghajar Mushtaq kyzy

Markyavichene Helena Tsezarevna

Roslova Alexander Yegorovna

Boris Vorobyov

Shcheblykin Paul Y.

Best KAMAZ worker

Islamgaleev Mudaris Abdullovich

Turner Kama association for the production of heavy trucks, Hero of Socialist Labor

Islamgaleev Mudaris Abdullovich KamAZ as defining the sign of the present day, with what was Magnitogorsk for the first five-and post-war five-year plans for the Bratsk.

These great projects have much in common, and the total is above all that each of them is the clearest manifestation of the creative enthusiasm and valor of our working people who are building communism.

"It will take years, but all the Soviet people will be proud to remember the heroism of labor on the Kama," wrote in his address to the builders of KamAZ Leonid Brezhnev.

Today Kamaz is already in the ranks of existing enterprises. Every day on the roads of the country there are new pillars of modern more overweight vehicles manufactured in the Kama auto giant.

KamAZ young and young of many thousands of his team. KamAZ stands simply Kama Automobile Plant. But this is not a plant, and a range of plants, each of which employs thousands of people. RIZ is a repair-tool factory, one of them.

Turner RIZA Mudarisov Islamgaleeva I first saw his work place. Going to that first meeting, I knew that he was the first and still the only one of tens of thousands of working at KamAZ Hero of Socialist Labor. And I knew he was young, that he was only thirty-second year. I really wanted to know and understand exactly why he is the first hero of the KamAZ? Huge, although due to excessive length and seeming squat, Reese and outside the building produced an impressive impression. But within the vast space was not a single wall.

Like a limitless field stretched before me. Endless rows of machines were powerful. Scurried about trucks, driving up and transported metal and finished parts. High above his head silently moved overhead cranes.

For lathe, seemed very small, almost a toy in comparison with large hunks filling a production building, stood a man of medium height and athletic build, black overalls and a cap with a broad peak.

His face was intelligent, or as people say, intelligent. The right facial features, eyes dark with lukavinkoy.

- I have a talk with you, 'I said,' but now, of course, is not the time. Please tell me where and when?

- You are in our city for the first time? Asked Mudaris.

- Been already. It has long been true, I replied.

- Come back to me tomorrow. Where are you staying?

- Hotel "Kama." Next to the building management.

- Take the 5th tram in the direction of the New Town. And to the end. And there ... you have a notebook? I gave him a notebook, and he quickly sketched a plan for the quarter, adjacent to the tram stop, the recorded number of houses and flats marked on the drawing and the right approach.

We agreed on the time of the meeting and I said goodbye to him. Just exchange a few words, but I realized that this man I definitely liked it. What? .. Ask me who is this, I hardly was able to clearly answer would suffice. Even then, restoring the memory scene first meeting with him, I thought, apparently bribed me not catchy, but rather a guess, but, of course, inherent dignity, which, if it is a human-reliably protects both the arrogance and self-abasement, and to make it in dealing with other people easy and natural. In short, he liked me. And that is why even stronger desire to learn more about it as much as possible. Yes, and in the end, a little personal charisma to become a Hero of Socialist Labor. His colleagues responded to him with great respect. All in one voice is the best turner in the shop. And his team is always among the best.

- Principal. Until scrupulous, shop committee chairman, said Nikolai-Timofeev. not accept any favors. The family had four people, and still lives in the studio section. They wanted him as a hero, push into the queue, flatly refused. I, like everybody says, wait queue. And in any. The Secretary of the shop party organizations Ye Sirotin Paul said:

- What work is harder and harder, the more he liked. Our shop is special. The name speaks for itself: non-standard equipment shop. Sometimes a piece will be served, you do not know how to it and begin. Not everyone is a work in turner ohotku. A Mudaris not taken to reliably and simply happy. Sam and manufacture tooling, cutting tools, and will pick up and set the mode of cutting. And there was no occasion to have failed. About the quality of work and I do not say. Always impeccable. He was perhaps the first factory was given a private brand. Parts made Islamgaleevym turner, are given without acceptance tehkontrolem. It is in the shop he is respected as a master of his craft. And for what was a star, but nothing changed. As they say, stood the test of fame. On this day, and then Paul Ye smiled, really does not like to sit in the presidium. Better said, I have an hour or two of these on the clean-work off.

I learned that it was entrusted Mudarisov produce the most complex parts of engines produced for the first KAMAZ trucks. And he came out the winner of the contest for the best turner of the plant.

Each story add some dash to the attractive appearance Islamgaleeva. Yet, to fully formed this appearance after extensive conversations with the secretary of Party committee of the plant Vladimir Ivanovich Pershukov.

Vladimir until the election of the Party committee worked as head of department of non-standard equipment. He took on a young turner.

Vladimir recounted how carefully watched the young worker. I wanted to make sure that no mistake was the first impression. And from the first day revealed his exceptional hard work and excellent discipline. When it first appeared on the shop floor machines and began turning, Mudaris Islamgaleev showed their high professional qualifications.

- Here to you all was clear, I should say a few words about what our factory, said Vladimir.

RIZA functions are not limited to manufacturing and repair tool. RIZ, the firstborn of KamAZ. He first came into operation enterprises Kama complex. Not let Reese, it was impossible to proceed with the development of other plants of the complex, because it is in the shops Reese, manufactured blanks and parts for automatic testing of all lines of KamAZ.

The most important part for the first Kama cars were made as the chasuble. The best turners and RIZA Islamgaleev Vatagin treated cylinder blocks. And after KamAZ fully operational, this feature, so to speak, a pioneer in the technology will remain in rhizomes.

- Thus, concluded Pershukov, RIZ-always in the future. Therefore, such an undertaking solve all experts in their field, working wit endowed with a taste for the rationalization and invention. And it is no coincidence that the first KAMAZ Hero of Socialist Labor was born in Rize.

- So we can say, 'I tried to summarize our conversation, that Mudaris Islamgaleev as master of his craft, was born here, in front of you?

- Not exactly, 'said Vladimir Ivanovich.-Islamgaleev come to our factory is already mature master, but here, in particular, and very difficult working conditions, requiring the ultimate stress of all the creative forces, and opened to the best natural talent Mudarisov Islamgaleeva. Of course, this should have been, that he had also a high professional training and to give all the moral qualities: hard work and courage, honesty and initiative and, of course, a high sense of responsibility for the common cause.

After this conversation, I realized why the chest Mudarisov Islamgaleeva shone Star of Hero of Socialist Labor. Now I had to learn and understand the people who helped Mudarisov Islamgaleevu become a master of his craft and who sowed the seeds in his mind the high moral qualities.

That's what I could learn only from himself.

The next day I, as I said, and sat down in the 5th tram and rode to the end of the route. Trams in Naberezhnye Chelny race for the Muscovites with unusual speed, almost like a commuter train, and, in spite of this, I drove for almost half an hour. Such is the scale-city buildings.

Islamgaleev Mudaris Abdullovich The whole family was assembled Islamgaleevyh. Zoya V. gathered in the school second-form girl Natasha, six-month Mudaris teteshkal Dimka. And yet when I went in the studio apartment was very close.

In the tiny hallway piled cardboard boxes, neatly tied with criss-cross the thin twine.

- Stacks now started-soft, a little warming up on the Vyatka way, 'said Zoe Viktorovna.-By the end of the month we were promised new home.

- I congratulate you heartily, 'said I. The four in one room to live hard. The more a tenant you require special attention.

Zoe looked at V. Dima, warmed in the hands of his father, and all with the same gentle smile, said:

- Dima with all our family the most successful. We lived three times as in the same room. And it gives one just two. And now we will have two-bedroom apartment. And all Dimkina merit. For the joy of a joke could guess. Natasha went to school, Dima moved to his mother in his arms, and we sat at the table Mudarisov the window. He talked and I listened to him without interrupting.

Lucky ... though a difficult childhood. Lucky because he was born in the close-knit family, which took care of each other and help each other. Difficult because of his childhood had on the difficult postwar years in a family of six children, and Mudaris Sr. and he had to grow up too soon ... Parents at work (engine-driver father, mother, nurse at the nursery), and the house, with all its cares and worries, which in a large family so much, even on the shoulders of children's eldest son.

Mudaris he did not say, but it was so clear that a respectful attitude towards work, a habit not to fear any work started and bring it to the end laid down in it since childhood.

And then, when it grew up, he was lucky to meet someone to whom he owes.

... Lathe case studied in Dushanbe Vocational Training. Trainers in the group of turners was Nikolai Potapov. Soldier, an officer-tank. Master of highly qualified people and a great soul. He loved his pupils, among whom there were many soldiers' orphans and orphans, but he was strict and was able to ensure that young people entrusted to his care were not only first-class turners, but people with character.

- He told me, as a second father-Mudaris said, concluding his story about Nikolai Nikolaevich Potapov.

... After graduating from the vocational school the entire group of turners was sent to the plant. But there's a young worker reacted with disbelief, put on the utility work. The boys were indignant, and told them: another job for you and never will. Then the "whole bunch" left the factory ... It seems that on my face reflected some confusion; Mudaris noticed it and smiled.

- I see you, thought, buzotery. And we were right. We state two years taught. Well, it all away? .. We not only protect your interest. Later, however, sorted out, we returned to employment records and made to work in their specialty.

... Mudarisov sent to the union shops, "Agriculture." Here they found a real job. Spare parts for tractors and other agricultural machinery is often not enough. Were made on the spot. Among the items were very difficult, finding the most efficient way to process them, had to smash his head badly. It is here Mudaris passion for work is not stereotyped, and creative.

... For two years he worked in the workshops of the young turner. Work has mastered to perfection, was worked spore and easily. Yet even look like a place in life ... With a school friend moved to the Far East, Magadan. Six months worked in the fisheries. During the fishing season had two by two, and then three days of work almost without rest. Since then, the habit: to work as much as the case requires.

And then pulled to their homes. He returned to Beloretsk, where parents lived. His father worked as a machinist at the lespromhozovskoy railway. Mudaris turner went to the depot. I met Zoe, girlfriend of school years. Long-term friendship turned into a tender feeling. In the spring were married. A year later a daughter, Natasha. It seemed firmly settled. Their homes, happy family, well-paid job ... But here's the work did not satisfy. He outgrew it. He felt that he was on the shoulder work is much more complicated.

And not far away, on. Kama, built the world's greatest automobile plant. KamAZ! Resounding nail lodged in his head. Avidly read all that on the KamAZ published in the newspapers. For hours he was ready to listen to people who are lucky enough to see with my own eyes '(great construction ... Finally, "Zoe opened: unbearable further delay. Without KamAZ my life there! ..' It is not easy woman, but still low. Child up with a familiar nests, but Zoe got it, do not become discouraged,. Left in the care of a three-year Natasha and her grandmother went to Naberezhnye.

- To carry out his dream, said I. Before that it was far, 'chuckled Mudaris.-first thing, no place to place to go. On the beach bonfires are lit around the people are for the night. Oh, right, gypsy camp. Outlasted the night on the landing stage. In short, while it was still uncomfortable in Naberezhnye Chelny. There were such that with the next boat back to left. But we are determined to Zoe: slay, as difficult as it was not necessary.

Islamgaleev Mudaris Abdullovich The next day ... passed a medical examination, were directed to work: Zoe in his specialty - a nurse, and brought to the lists Mudarisov RIZA. But so far only in the lists on the chasuble has erected walls, and all future rizovtsev sent to the housing. And, incidentally, had a chance to build a kindergarten Mudarisov, which then went to Natasha.

... At Reese he was only in the middle of winter. Terms of running out, and installation of equipment began in an unfinished building. It was a huge metal frame building hastily erected walls and roof. Part of the body, is summing up under the roof shield with plastic wrap, protected from winter winds were building the foundations of space and when they are ready to install equipment.

... In March Mudaris and his companions - rizovtsy stood up to the machines. Reese began its production. At first, all sorts of problems greatly hindered, and inconsistencies. To cope with the task, had not work for 8 hours, and much more. But none of this did not complain: it is very much Pining for his work-that's all, 'said Mudaris. He paused and added, thanks to Zoe, though difficult was the first time, never reproached. And now what, as they say, live and rejoice. The latter difficulty has been that crowded in one room, but, as you see fit is ...

- So, all the difficulties behind? I asked.

- Behind. Yes, if in good conscience say no extraordinary difficulties, and we did not get. No tents, no dugouts, no mosquitoes and gnats, like construction sites in the taiga, and we were not. It was, however, is always a lot, and often very much work. So it's not bad at all.

- I was told in the shop that you really care attitude to young workers, and many have trained lathe case ...

- And what else?-Mudaris confirmed. I was taught and I have to.

- So, I would like to know your opinion about young people. On today's youth.

- And then the two views can not be. The opinion of the most good. Helping young people need. Just as we once helped. Mudaris walked me to pursue. We went down to the entrance, left on the porch. We stopped for a smoke. House Mudaris not smoke in the house baby.

As already said goodbye, Mudaris said:

- If you write, you write well: half star Sasha Nicholas, the other half of my parents. I did not mind Mudarisov, though could do it. Of course, the need for good harvest good seeds. But not everyone abandoned the land of corn germinates. And here and sprouted, and zakolosilos, and gave a rich harvest.

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