herepov Yuri P.
Mine stope miner-October "Production Association" Kuzbassugol" Hero of Socialist Labor
Under the ground all the people, like twins in identical uniforms, and helmets, the black coal dust from the eyes and faces only the teeth gleaming. Mine does the miners alike. And come to the surface, steamed with a broom in a miner's bath, a clean-priodenutsya here it will not confuse them with each other. Everyone has their own look, its character, its own destiny ...
Yuri Foreman herepovplitter taciturn and seemingly a bit harsh. Perhaps the severity of this person give reddish sideburns that come down from the temples up to his chin. A look within the eyes blue, the color of the spring sky, and all of it before you. Sometimes my eyes get cool, icy tone, and immediately felt guilty: the conversation will be steep. Skull growth is not heroic, but broad and strong in bone, as if the roots grown in this rich coal and generous land.
As for the roots, so it is, because their fate, Yuri Petrovich did not choose, but I got it by inheritance. Even in the last century, the share of miners chose Cherepova grandfather, Donetsk miner. Grandfather was a miner Yuri Petrovich, he in the twenty-first year he moved with his family in the Kuzbass. Until his retirement he worked at the mine's father, but when it came time to decide in life, Yuri does not think twice-the beaten track of family came to the mine. Hence, leaving the army, here, on "October", after the service is back. My brother is also a miner, in a nearby mine "Kuznetsk" works. In short, the miners in the fourth generation.
You yourself have chosen their own destiny or she has chosen you, in the end is not so important. From his father and grandfather knew Yuri thing: light charcoal, as well as light bread, no. However, the technological revolution in the mines and its real implementation, mechanization in the last ten or fifteen years has radically changed the nature and conditions of miner's labor. But mine will always be mine, full of artful surprises, the earth's interior. In every life there are moments when a person or group as a place to test for maturity, patience and moral fortitude. For a team of Yuri Cherepova such a test was an underground fire.
Imagine the cast of coal "plate" with a diameter of more than two kilometers, so nature has Krasnogorsk, the upper coal seam is being developed by the mine, "October." Board edge of the bed-"plates" lies just fifteen and eighteen meters from the surface and then slowly goes back. Gently sloping occurrence of miners considered the most convenient to use the most modern technology, mechanized cleaning systems. Straight from the surface of the sinker struck the seam tape and track biases. Figuratively speaking, this "arteries" of the mine and its "light". On the ground inclines deliver equipment and materials, ventilated mine workings, give out to the surface mined coal. As a branch of the tree trunk, on both sides of the slopes are the ventilation and. Conveyor drifts, cut into the lava. As the extraction of coal the old "branches" drifts "cut off", isolated from active workings of concrete bridges.
The northern part of the reservoir Krasnogorsk mine worked for a long time. The path to the south wing was blocked by "underground sea": over the center of Coal "plates" flowed a river and on, and under the earth piled up millions of cubic meters of groundwater. At the time, to straighten the river channel and led to the side, built a dam to protect against spring floods. Since the underlying reservoir drilled a fan of drainage wells for groundwater sampling, built a strong underground pumping station. All of these hydraulic works have cost hundreds of thousands of rubles, but the game is worth it: in the south wing of the Krasnogorsk were prepared to notch more than five million tons of fuel. One of the first brigade came here Cherepova Jury, headed at the time of the veteran miners' labor Alexey Bzov. Miners have taken half a million tons of coal and finished revision of lava at the finish of the year when they waylaid the underground fire.
The first warning sign at the end of the day shift. Caused by the mine rescuers carefully examined the underground workings, conducted gas exploration. One of the concrete bridges in the former eighth ventilation drift was heated. It seems that the fire originated from spontaneous combustion of residual coal in the waste area.
The fire is always scary. But three times, five times, in the bowels of the earth.
The attack on the fire decided to conduct two fronts at once-underground and surface. Out in the snowy steppes night bulldozers and Blasters, mechanics and energy. By morning, it was necessary to pave the way to the place of work and power cables, explosion prepare the site for the drilling of wells, through which the fire will fall upon hundreds of cubic meters of sand and clay slurry.
Yuri Cherepova Brigade operating in the sixth section, is a clamshell, were brought to the premises of the mine, and goes on a war footing. Underground rescuers urgently need concrete and metal, timber formwork. Arrived to replace the link Ivan Rettiha taken for delivery of materials, driving into the ground one after the other truck. Late at night, they are removed a dozen Peter Karpov, then, Nikolai Fyodorov. And no need to rush, everyone understands: to save the mine from the fire, then do not give him a break in the current generation, reliably isolate the hearth, the fire plug the "gin" in stone "bottle." Miners cut one's way into the reservoir and the rock-on travel and belt slopes are built fire arch. In case of fire they will break in a few minutes laid brick, poured concrete. Only concrete and metal can block the way for the fire, to rescue from the fire five million tons of coal.
Only toward the end of the fourth day of emergency laboratory instruments recorded at reducing carbon monoxide jumpers. Underground fire lost its former strength. But ahead of the miners was still a complex and demanding operation, immediately dismantle the mechanized complex and expensive to transport equipment to the new, now a safe lava. And with this task the team coped brilliantly mehkompleks weighing hundreds of tons of earth was removed under twelve days ...
Reflections of those fiery days and today live in a group, in its affairs. Since that "burned" in the souls of all human petty, selfish, warmer and with the stricter one another began to treat the miners, knowing the real price has been tempered in the crucible of fire underground miner's friendship. In the first year of the Tenth Five Brigade came close to a million tons of annual production. In the second, more modest results. But does not that work become worse.
- Closely on brigade formation Krasnogorsk, says Director of Mine "October"-Last A.N.Abramov. coal reserves in the corners and susekam "scraped." Here is just one example: the lava hundred twenty-six began with sorokametrovogo front and wedge extended to one hundred and ten meters. Every two days, stopping and narostka complex. And this is the inevitable loss of time on auxiliary operations. I am convinced will move to a new horizon of the miners and the coveted one million tons of them will not go away!
No doubt, in order to achieve high goals require careful preparation of production qualified solution to many engineering problems, clear logistics. But no one has ever created a team of Yuri Cherepova any special, "hothouse" conditions. And the techniques they have not the newest and "tidbits" below ground, as you see, is not cut out. Many times over the past few years I have been in the mine "October", went down in the face, talking to miners, quietly observed the foreman Cherepova and his comrades. His eyes saw how they were once a band of geological faults. There was a so-called contraction bed, and instead of coal at the combine was the breed teeth. To display a mechanized complex disassembly, the last eight "chips" were taken with the help of explosives. No, the conditions of Yuri Cherepova not the best, but the results of labor, no other team can not compete with his team. And the secret is probably what it is. In addition to material factors, of course, affect the efficiency and quality of labor, there is also such a thing as a moral resource group with its traditions and experiences, fighting qualities of miners, their responsibility for the fate of the commitments made.
It has long been known that the boundaries are subject only to the highest welded, well-established teams. It was a team of Alexis Bzov, one of the first in the country overcame half a million of annual coal production abroad. But it happens so, that in life there comes a sort of collective "critical moment", followed by its natural renewal. Alexey Bzov retired after it was carried out to rest a few veterans. Do not have time to look around the new team leader, went to a neighboring plot mechanics brothers Nicholas and Yuri Ephraim. The district engineer appointed Nicholas miner Zakharchenko, a graduate of Polytechnic Institute. Combine the best driver Nikolai Antonov, was elected chairman of the trade union committee of mine. On the nomination of retired mining college extramural student, Alexander Kurganov. In short, for kakih-nibud year or two of the teams has been updated for more than half, and now three-quarters of the team are young people, graduates of vocational schools yesterday. But the team has not lost the conquered frontier, moreover, has risen a step higher.
The party bureau of the site and leader of the team were able to establish herepov strong relationship and continuity of the two miner generations, to create a sort of baton work skills and traditions. And those who left the team, were far from indifferent to the fate of relatives who became the group. Two decades gave him Vasily Fisyuk. Before his retirement, he led the brigade's son, a graduate of Mountain College, taught the secrets of mastery and, giving his father's mandate, left the place. Vasily Petrovich and now a frequent visitor to the site, he able to talk with the young souls.
Recently, "knocked" fifty Vasily Dmitrievich Fedorov. Retirement age for miners and underground service it is enough for two, but left the team, only from miners in the engine-turned. And he also teaches the young guys. Experienced mentors youth find work in a team of veterans Ivan Yakovlevich Rettiha, Pyotr Mikhailovich Karpov, Murat G. Chernysheva, Peter S. Safronova, Nikolai Vladimirovich Sukhanov. It seems long since learned from Vitaly Korepanov combiner Loginova, now he began to mentor, teach others the skill of management of the combine.
The party organization of the sixth section, which for many years headed mine foreman Nikolai Shilin, is considered one of the most militant in the mine. But listen to the very Shilin, like all of his hands around one falls, so imperfections flaws.
- Competition?-Excited party organizer and part-slovami. Here not only the merit of the district party bureau: competition all involved, from foreman to director of the mine. The easiest way to hide behind a fence with many successful digits with zeros, we say, too, plow! But in the same competition to reach every person to define and measure his personal contribution? Until we see a person only from the standpoint of qualifications, each one individually to help
mark its growth step, making sure that did not stop a man raised above.
It is this dissatisfaction with the achievements, the desire to measure his work characterized by the highest measure of all Communists Cherepova team. But how to convey this attitude to all the staff, create an atmosphere of high standards, to the slightest manifestations of intolerance nesobrannosti? You've got to distribute the forces of the communists, to ensure their impact on staff in each shift, link. Important and responsible party bureau said repair shift, which prepares all the tools and machines. Every second is a Communist, and he is also team leader often comes to the repair shift.
There was a time when the preparation of a new lava was considered a kind of "monopoly" of engineering services. Why not? Did the miners themselves are not interested in a successful job or not in a position to offer something sensible? After consulting with his friends, Yuri herepov went to a party committee to the director. The leaders of the mine had been long thought about it, so that no one had to convince all the preparation, production is now solved with the participation of team members. What was the result? Over the past two or three years, miners have made a number of proposals, implementation of which will improve the reliability of mechanisms and a half times to reduce emergency downtime. But it's not just the practical benefits
Part-time students Polytechnic Institute, "five minutes" mining engineer Yuri herepov clearly imagine: creative collaboration with experts, the participation of miners in developing and solving complex engineering problems in young people will awaken interest in knowledge, the desire to improve their educational level. So, rise and potential of the team, his moral life. Two-thirds of the sixth section of the miners are now secondary or technical secondary education, eighteen people learn in absentia in universities and colleges. Yuri Petrovich and his friends compete with a team of Hero of Socialist Labor Vladimir Devyatko from the mine "Raspadskaya". At the start of the Tenth Five contenders Cherepova hard luck. All of a sudden increase in rock pressure, one accident followed another. It is the duty of tens of thousands of tons. Just at the most difficult time came to "Raspadskaya" member of the Bureau of Kemerovo Oblast Party Committee Brigadier herepov. No, not the obligation to check and verify all was not clear, but understand the reasons for the backlog and help. The leaders of the mine, as a convinced Yuri Petrovich, did not take proper measures to assist the team in trouble. Moreover, seeing that the team will not be able to repay the end of the year, generally given up on her hand. Parts were given as a last resort, under the guise of operational needs were taken to other parts of the most experienced mechanics.
Their point of view, the Communist Party Committee presented herepov and managers of the mine. At his suggestion, Department of Regional Committee of the coal industry has understood the reasons for the backlog, and some other leading teams in the past. And then at the Bureau of the Regional Committee took a principled discussion of the practice guidelines of socialist competition and economic managers responsible for implementing the commitments made. We add that the leaders of the mine "Raspadskaya" were able to learn a lesson. The team Devyatko now again became one of the leading and confident "comes on the heels of" the most Cherepova.
In Yuri Petrovich is his view of the competition, your calculation. Foreman is convinced that a young person can be considered only if the person held when he learns to think of others, to really take care of his comrades, to find personal satisfaction in the success of the team. The victory, like defeat, calls for analysis, reflection, conclusions. And penny-even price is the biggest victory, if it does not entail the educational impact on people.
Jury told of herepov, at the very beginning faced with rapid changes in the individual units. Some, for example, was given for the change a thousand tons of coal, the other half failed to comply with the dress. He began to look closely and found a kind of "pattern": a link Rettiha never, they say, "do not vomit postromok", but another change after they almost always worked steadily. That these "traces" and was the rub. Rhett and his friends carefully prepared arrangements and change passed "on the fly" plug-chop harvester and a coal! More after the "breakthrough" predecessors polsmeny "repaired the traces," ruled mehkrepi section, changed the teeth on the processor. herepov assembled a team to talk about friendship and mutual assistance. The young brigade supported the party bureau and the leaders of the plot. Maybe with this, and began training in people a sense of collectivism and solidarity, approval of an atmosphere of genuine camaraderie.
In fact, you can spend a half-dozen conversations about friendship and partnership, but not better to give young people the opportunity to support the shoulder friend, once again check themselves for strength, a concrete and an object lesson of collectivism. Is it because Yuri Petrovich ready in difficult times to help neighbors, send their best artists. I remember two years ago, when the team Vedenista Volegova hit the bar high water, to help them come the best lineup and the machine-Cherepova-Rhett, Karpov, Pletnev, Konshin and butter. Looking ahead, say, the sixth section of the miners, supporting the initiative of the brigade of Hero of Socialist Labor Gennady Smirnov from the mine, "Jubilee," became the collective mentors neighboring plot number seven.
The real price of labor-friendly, selfless assistance team mates Cherepova and experienced myself. The success of the miners is largely determined by the rate of penetration and the quality of development workings. But how can there be, if the sinker, which prepare them to work front-cut lava, are registered on another site and formally unrelated to the miners do not have. They sent a delegation to tunneller, talked heart to heart: "Commitments we have a very high. But the fulfillment depends on you. Not narezhete time next week, lava, and two toi lose, let's all mine! "Concluded the contract of the Commonwealth. A sense of camaraderie, working consciences were more reliable than any "terrible" Order: for three years, there was no case to sinker once brought miners. Thus was born in Kuzbass mines subcontractors competition that began with ochistniki Hero of Socialist Labor Yuri Cherepova sinker and miner of the RSFSR Honored Khmeleva Anatolia. From Vasily Petrovich Fisyukom, a veteran team and a member of the Great Patriotic War, I met shortly before the 30th anniversary of Victory over fascism. He was at that time had very little to retirement, and the conversation went on by itself, change the working of the youth. Vasily Petrovich said at the time is short, like a soldier:
- With any of them I would go to explore!-I just thought, added: And in the fire and water ...
As the water looked old miner. It has not much time, and the team Cherepova entered into the unprecedented flooding reservoir. What once was a Vedenista Volegova, now seemed "flowers." Here, have affected and spring flooding, and proximity to the river bed Ini. On top of all the troubles Krasnogorsky reservoir, said the miners went out on "zero angle", the lava was lower ventilation and conveyor drifts, from which flows rushed into the face of accumulated water. I had to change one's shoes in waders. "Ski" sections of mechanized roof supports are hopelessly stuck in the muddy soil, with shifting rods jacks pulled out of the nest. Burning engines on conveyors, pumps were unable to pump out the water every hour, it came in the slaughter of more than one hundred fifty cubic meters. In these difficult conditions fully revealed will and fighting qualities miner's team. Together with engineers looking for new solutions. Locks firmly fastened jacks. Drilled wells, dumped water on the underlying layer. And still managed to escape from the "flood" away from the water. For a long time and then joked about his troubles: "The lights and water have been! Now, would say, find all the copper pipes so damn teeth. "
Under the earth ... all men are like twins, miners, mine does look like each other. The similarity, if you look closely, not only external. Under the influence of the collective aspirations of a community is formed little by little, the characters. Common destiny, finally.
In such a similarity, I think, lies, and beauty.